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How Do You Book
a Perfect Tahitian Vacation?

See our travel agent
of course!
Tahiti Nui Travel

Or check out the CRUISES, TOURS, & TRAVEL AGENT  section for more details.
Check out the Cruiseline choices!
Here, you'll also find the major Cruiseline choicesgoing into the region.

Tahiti Beach Press

but YOU don't have to... to get up to date news and fresh stories IN ENGLISH 12 months a year .

Visit Tahiti all year-round!

Tahiti Beach Press is the ONLY English text magazine in French Polynesia and it's been published in Tahiti for over 20 years!

Now you can get the Beach Press delivered to your home, every month, anywhere in the world!


& Lovers

So romantic...
All the Islands of Tahiti Polynesia are the perfect setting for the ultimate in romantic getaways for newlyweds or newly found romances.

Popular activities include Tahitian weddings and renewing wedding vows using interesting traditional Tahitian methods.

Tahitian Black Pearls

Magnificent Pearls!
A detailed section on the world's most magnificent pearls: Where to buy and what to look for, quality concerns and details, pearl stories, history, and much more.

Aquatica Dive Center

A 5 star PADI center on the island of Tahiti.


Hiti Moana Villa

Tahiti's favorite mid range hotel offers clean affordable bungalows on the Tahiti lagoon.

Pool on premises, activities, snorkeling from your front door!


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With a BASIC LINKS PACKAGE, we'll include a FREE BANNER ADD (like this one) on any page of our network for 6 months!

Get all the details here.

Stop Dreaming about Tahiti...

...and start making your plans to visit. You've been thinking about the island for years, now it's time to make it happen...

Go on. You deserve it!

Start your Tahiti vacation planning NOW with these pages. You're closer than you think to paradise...


The Island of Tahiti is quite literally an existing legend...

Playing many roles, Tahiti is French Polynesia's largest and most glamorous tropical island- and home to its unique capital city of Papeete.

Sometimes called the Island of Love, Tahiti is shrouded in legend and the central character in many stories of travel, romance and intrigue. Not all these stories are grounded in fact. Most notable is the common referral of the word "Tahiti" to represent all the islands of French Polynesia.This is incorrect. Tahiti is in fact the largest and most populated island of the 118 islands and atolls that comprise Tahiti Polynesia and of course the most famous.

This website attempts to bring fact and realism to the "legend of Tahiti" while acting as your complete guide to sensible travel, tourism, and business information for the island.

In addition, you'll learn about Polynesia's business and administrative center- the fascinating City of Papeete.

Unless you own your own private jet or yacht, all Tahiti Vacations, no matter your island choice, start or funnel through Papeete first.

What will you do?What to Do

7 categories for Tahiti activities (outside of Papeete) include: 

Papeete activities And seperate sections for activities WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS of PAPEETE including:

Overviews on:

(More ideas in What to See section)

What will you see? What to See

4 categories for Tahiti (OUTSIDE THE PAPEETE CITY LIMITS) include:

And 4 categories for sights (WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF PAPEETE) include:

Where will you stay? Where to Stay

Tahiti island's quality lodging choices:

Lots of informationAbout the Island

A bank of information specific to Tahiti and her history filled city of Papeete.  

How will you get around?Getting Here & Around

All the travel choices and details:

Sail around the islands!Sailing, Charter Boats, & Marine info.

Tahiti is the Yachting center for all the islands of the South Pacific:

(section under construction)

All the basics are here...Tahiti News & General Information

Current news, general information, and the basics for all the islands of Tahiti Polynesia:

Specialized Travel Tips for PolynesiaTSTN Travel Tips

Specialized tips on traveling to Tahiti and her surrounding islands includes:

In order to improve this section for all, WE LOVE TO HEAR PUBLIC INPUT!

All the basics are here...TSTN Business Central

HOMEBASE for Tahiti Sun Travel & business section includes:

  • WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE DO, AND WHY- Read all about the Tahiti Sun Travel Network and its multi-lingual partner travel guide. Our philosophy, who's involved, details on copyright and photo notes and a standard disclaimer.

  • RECIPROCAL LINKS- Our handpicked favorites covering many subjects for Tahiti, her surrounding islands, and more from around the world.

  • FREE CLASSIFIEDS- Similiar to a newspaper classified section, except on the internet! Buy and sell Polynesian products, jobs and careers wanted and offered, miscellaneous, etc.

  • RATES & ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES- Details on becoming a TSTN listed or LINKING member. Advertising rates and opportunities, benefits and details of our EZ Print Coupon System, and more. IS Your Complete Guide to Tahiti and her Capital City.


The experts have decided: this is...

Save Big $

EZ print coupons SAVE YOU MONEY in Tahiti...with our EZ Print Internet Coupons for activities, lodging, car rentals, and many other things travelers (and locals) spend money on in French Polynesia.*
Remember: French Polynesians don't "negotiate" or barter with their published prices...

These coupons are worth cold, hard cash!

*For a quick glance at our vendors, see our COUPON FINDER now!

Members Quick Reference &
Coupon Finder
FIND OUT WHO'S WHO AND WHERE- On the Tahiti Sun Travel Network.

Also, are they a COUPON PROGRAM participant?

We have over 85 different LINKING MEMBERS throughout our pages so far and are adding more regularly...

This handy quick reference saves time when you don't have time to explore the network. (Members are listed alphabetically and categorized per/ island site.)

Tahiti Real Estate
& Business Opportunities

Purchase or lease property in French Polynesia: raw land, investments, homes, commercial, private islands- complete listings...
Difficulties, solutions, laws, and more.

Also, there are several BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES available on the islands of French Polynesia. They vary in scope from hotels, eco touring, parasailing, yacht clubs, etc...

Retail Polynesia

Shop till you can't click anymore! Check out our online store for the most interesting Polynesian products on the planet. Affiliate relationships and direct links to retailers enable us to sell direct to you on secure servers at the lowest prices possible.

Books, travel guides, maps, Polynesian music, videos, gifts, pareos, soaps, oils, lotions, perfumes & clothing are just a few of the items available.

IF YOU SELL POLYNESIAN PRODUCTS: We want to sell your products in our store! See the details in our POLYNESIAN PRODUCT VENDORnote and let's get something going...

Tahiti Talk!

An INTERACTIVE bulletin board covering a diverse array of Tahitian subjects-
All Tahiti, all the time...
Ask questions, get advice, meet people, be crazy! It's fun, easy, and informative!

Get the Moon Guide!

Get the Moon Handbook now!

Polynesian traveler and internationally acclaimed author David Stanley gives insight and knowledge for the islands YOU NEED TO KNOW.


8th edition,


Honeymooners & Lovers | Cruises, Tours & Travel Agents | Real Estate & Business Opportunities | Retail Polynesia | Tahiti Talk!
Tahiti Black Pearls | Travel Tips | Tahiti Coupons | TSTN Business Central | Members Quick Reference & Coupon Finder

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© 1998-2005 Tahiti Sun Travel Network (TSTN). All text, photos, and design rights reserved.
For more detailed copyright information, click here. The TSTN is a Basecamp International enterprise.