37 captures
18 Jan 2003 - 12 Aug 2016
About this capture
Alexa Crawls
Starting in 1996,
Alexa Internet
has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the
Wayback Machine
after an embargo period.
this data is currently not publicly accessible.
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20050410071612/http://webdirectory.natlib.govt.nz:80/dir/en/pacific/alpha/S.html
Web Directory
Alphabetic site list
Saipan Chamber of Commerce
Saipan tribune : online edition
Sakau en Pohnpei market reviews : the unofficial mehnwai guide to sakau en Pohnpei
Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division
SAME : Samoa Association of Manufacturers and Exporters
Samoa : the treasured islands of the South Pacific
Samoa and Apollo
Samoa Apia Mission
Samoa Association of Women Graduates
Samoa Capital Radio : Siufofoga o le Laumua on Access 783 am
Samoa Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. : Samoa's business network
Samoa chat
Samoa Chat's gagana fa'a Samoa
Samoa GenWeb page : Samoa & American Samoa
Samoa Observatory, Cape Matatula, American Samoa
Samoa observer online
Samoa Polytechnic : online
Samoa Public Service Commission's website
Samoa Science Foundation
Samoa Treasury Department = Matagaluega o Tupe Samoa
Samoa.ws : Samoa's leading Internet provider
SamoaLive! : Samoa's premier online network
Samoan & Pacific studies
Samoan F.O.B. (free online bibliography)
Samoan language
Samoan Sensation
Samoanet : the Internet gateway to Samoa
Samoatelco.com : affordable island access
Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund
School of Humanities, The University of the South Pacific
School of Māori, Pacific & Indigenous Studies = Te Tumu
Searching the Internet
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) = La Sécretariat général de la Communauté du Pacifique
Secretariat of the Pacific Community Library, Noumea = Secretariat général de la Communauté du Pacifique Bibliotheque
Secrets of Easter Island
Select bibliography of the oral tradition of Oceania Fiji / United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Service d'Etat de l'aviation civile en Polynésie française
Service d'Inspection du Travail et des Affaires Sociales de Wallis et Futuna
Service de Santé des Iles de Wallis & Futuna
Service des Archives de Nouvelle-Cal´edonie
Service du Commerce Extérieur de Polynésie française
Services des postes et telecommunications
Several Rongorongo records : symbolism of archaic beliefs / Sergei V. Rjabchikov
SGMA : Saipan Garment Manufacturers' Association
SHRM Guam online
SIDSnet : Small Island Developing States Network : the global network for the Barbadoes programme of action
Sione Ika's Tongan games page
Site officiel des Éditions La brousse en folie
Small Island Developing States
Small Islands Voice : a strong voice for small islands
Société d'Ornithologie de Polynésie
Solomon Airlines : Solomon Islands national airline
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands : pearl of the Pacific
Solomon Islands and the IMF
Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation
Solomon Islands High Commission - Canberra
Solomon Islands Ministry of Commerce
Solomon Islands Network Information Centre : SBNIC
Solomon Islands People First Network
Solomon star
Solomonesia sojourn
Solomons : discover somewhere completely different--
Sonsorol Island : official site of Sonsorol island, Republic of Palau, Pacific Ocean
Sorensen Pacific Broadcasting Inc.
South Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions
South Pacific Chiefs of Police Conference : bringing together policing in the South Pacific
South Pacific Games Council
South Pacific genes may hold Alzheimer's clues
South Pacific Island web atlas
South Pacific Journal of Natural Science
South Pacific journal of psychology
South Pacific organizer
South Pacific Tourism Organisation
Spanish American War Centennial website : actions in Hawaii and Guam
Special Olympics Guam
Splash, Palau : Micronesia's underwater high
SPREP : South Pacific Regional Environment Programme
St John's School : the Episcopal school in Micronesia
Stan Jersey's Battle of Tarawa
State of Hawaii Dept. of Business, Economic Development & Tourism
State, Society and Governance in Melanesia
Statistics Niue
Statistiques de Wallis et Futuna
Submarine Ring of Fire, Mariana Arc, March 27 - April 18, 2004
Supreme Court of Guam : justice for all