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Monthly Disposable Contact Lenses

The disposable contact lenses listed below are designed to last a 1-3 months (see manufacturer's specifications). Please consult your eyecare specialist for advice.

We also offer 1-2 Week Disposable contact lenses

Click Below for details and the Internet's best pricing
ACUVUE Advance
Edge III ProActive
Edge III ProActive XT
Encore Toric/Vertex Toric
Encore/Vertex Sphere
Expressions Colors
Extreme H2O
Focus Monthly
Focus Monthly Softcolors
Focus Progressives
Focus Toric
Frequency 55
Frequency 55 Aspheric
Frequency 55 Toric
Multiples (4-pack)
Optima 38 Blister
Preference DW/FW
Preference Standard
Proclear Compatibles
Sunsoft Mults Toric (Div 2)
Sunsoft Mults Toric (Div I)
TruColour - Plano (2 Pack)
TruColour - RX Singles

1-Day Acuvue
Acuvue 2
Acuvue Bifocals
Acuvue Toric
Biomedics 38
Biomedics 55
Focus 1-2 Week
Focus 1-2 Week (Softcolors)
Focus Dailies 90 pak
Focus Monthly
Focus Toric
Optima FW
Proclear Compatibles
Softlens 66 Toric
Novelty Lenses

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$30 Acuvue Brand Rebate!
Request a $30 rebate when you order a year's supply of Acuvue, Acuvue 2, Acuvue Bifocal, Acuvue Toric or 1-Day Acuvue contact lenses. Click Here for details and restrictions.

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