's Soccer BooksNew BooksThose interested in Soccer Jerseys may also have some interest in books about soccer. There are many places on the internet that sell new books, but if you run any reasonable number of random samples through a price-comparison service, you will reliably find that for new books, Amazon Books, delivers the lowest price in the great majority of cases. Moreover, Amazon has free delivery with any order of new books above a reasonable minimum, and you can "save up" book orders till your total reaches that minumum. For new books, Amazon is the obvious choice.
New Books About SoccerOur software goes out every night and, through a special data interface, queries Amazon for all books it carries related to "Soccer", which is normally many thousands of titles. That software then combs through the data on those many thousands and discards the ones that Amazon has listed but are not currently available. The software then lists the truly available soccer books on a set of web pages here. Today, we have 872 books on soccer that you can read about and conveniently one-click buy from right here, right now, through Amazon. Here's how you can see all those titles: There are two lists. See the navigation panel to the left. The one most easily used is a set of 28 pages (one for each letter of the alphabet, a special one for books whose title begins with the word "Soccer"--so the S page doesn't get overloaded--and one for titles that begin with something other than a letter). Books are listed on those pages by the first word of their title, except for titles beginning with A, An, or The, which are listed by their second word. The second list is a single "Soccer Books Master List" --everything on one page--of all of the hundreds of "Soccer" books available. It is a long page (and may take a while to load if you have a slow internet connection). Its purpose is to allow you to search in one place for titles containing, but not starting with, some word or phrase, or for particular authors. You can search the page on line, with your browser's "Search" facility, or you can download the page and use any text editor to examine it. A typical entry on one of the alphabetical set of book-title pages might look like this:
To see the page you'd get if you clicked on the title, well, click on the title (that sample above works). Before you do, though, let us note that the page you go to will have more or less the same information--only updated the instant you click, so you can be sure the price and availability are exactly up to the minute--plus a really large image of the book's cover (if Amazon has an image, which it usually but not always does), information on whether the book qualifies toward the free-shipping minimum (and a link to more information on Amazon's free-shipping policies), and a one-click button that will put the book in your Amazon "Shopping Cart" (or let you create a Cart if you are one of those ever-fewer folk who haven't bought from Amazon before). But: that page will also have a link that can take you to a second page that is an exact copy of the first except that it also includes all editorial and reader reviews of the book that Amazon has. (We don't include those on the first page because for some books those reviews can be many and long, and thus make the page slow to load, and we want to give you results right away, plus you may not feel a need to read reviews before buying a given book). (Use your browser's Back button to return to this page after you look over those typical book pages.)
New Books on Other SubjectsWe make it easy for you to locate books on Soccer, but you are not limited to such books. After all, Amazon sells pretty much every single title actually in print! You could, of course, visit Amazon own pages and use their search to locate books. But experienced internet book buyers know that Amazon's searches are imperfect in several ways: they usually don't return all available editions on the first pass, they commonly return all sorts of "non-books" (calendars, post cards, and suchlike junk), and nowadays their "internal search" returns ridiculously long sets of results from which it is hard to find actual books you want. And they clutter up your screen with all sorts of peripheral "information" (read ads) not much related to what you are searching for. This site has a book-search page for Amazon that is similar to but, many feel, much better than Amazon's own. While our page is simple and intuitive to use, it nonetheless has an extensive introduction that points out some Amazon "gotchas" and various ways to improve your search experience. But, even if you read all of that long introduction, you'll only need to go through it once; thereafter, when you visit that search page (we hope you'll bookmark it and use it as your regular new-book shopping tool) you can use the "jump to box" link atop the page to get right to the search box (or you can just bookmark the box once you've jumped to it). If you want, you can visit and test our Amazon book-search page right now--use your browser's Back button to return here. Each result turned up by our searches is roughly similar to the one of the Soccer book listings on our alphabetical pages (except that it also shows a small image of the cover, something we don't do on our book-list pages because otherwise they'd take forever to load). When you click on any of the results, you'll be taken to a page exactly like the pages you get to from our lists, which you have probably already seen. They are, like the search-results pages themselves, clean, neat, simple, and easy to look over, unlike the ad-jammed pages Amazon sends you. Our search, like our soccer-book lists, defaults to showing you only real books that are really available--but you can very easily change those defaults if you want to see unavailable items (for information purposes) or are interested in related goods (what the trade calls "nonbooks"). Used BooksIf, instead of books available new, you are interested--whether for price or availability reasons--in used books, of any kind (soccer or other, that is), we have a nice, simple used-book search page for you; it searches the listings on Abebooks, a listing service with a really huge number of internet used-book-selling members--virtually all internet used-book sellers are ABE listed, from the big guys down to most mom'n'pop operations. Like the new-book search, this is a very simple, easy-to-use search facility. |