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Chicago Botanic Garden
Don't miss the Chicago Botanic Garden's Antiques & Garden Fair, April 15-17. Friday, April 15 through Sunday, April 17, will very likely be the Garden’s busiest time of the year. To help all of our guests enjoy their visit, for that weekend only, the Garden is enacting a special parking convenience plan, as parking at the Garden is limited.

The Garden will close at 3 p.m. on April 14 for a special event.

Antiques & Garden Fair
Visit the Garden this month to see spring arrive, from the earliest bulbs to the first flowering trees.

The Garden is honored for educational excellence.

This winter the Garden launches a new tool for gardeners,, which offers a wealth of information involving the plants in the Plant Evaluation Program.
Sign up for e-updates from the Garden.

Explore the Chicago Botanic Garden

| Site Map | General Information | What's New? | What's in Bloom |
| Education | Plant Information | Visiting the Garden | Calendar | Membership |
| Explore the Gardens | Illinois' Best Plants | Garden Gifts | Research |
| Facility Rental | Plant Collections | Library | Search |

Copyright © 1997-2005 Chicago Botanic Garden. All Rights Reserved.

1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, IL 60022
The Chicago Botanic Garden is owned by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.


Last revised on 4/13/05