The Wayback Machine - - Free Web Tracker, Counter and Detailed Stats

StatCounter Free web tracker and counter

Why do you need my email address?

Your account set-up information will be emailed to you. You can configure email stat reports about your website traffic to be delivered to you. Receive important site maintenance notices and have your username and password sent to you if you forget them.

Why do you need to know what country I'm from?

We customise the reporting to your country's timezone(s).

Why do you need to know my name?

We provide a very pleasant personalised service - being addressed by your name when you use the service makes it all the more enjoyable.

New Account Instant Set Up  

We are delighted that you are thinking about registering with us. Simply enter your details in the form below and click "create my account". StatCounter is dedicated to the privacy of its members. Your personal details are kept confidential and will not be shared or sold onto third parties. Our strict privacy policy is available for you to inspect.

I'm a little skeptical and before I register I would like to know:

You MAY NOT USE StatCounter to track email spam of any kind. We almost instantly recognise the unique extreme behaviour of offending accounts, which are immediately deleted from our servers. Your stats will never see the light of day. You're wasting our time and yours. Please don't bother trying.

Password (case sEnSitive)
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Company Name (optional)
Date Format
Time Format

 I accept the terms and conditions.

Remember you will only ever need one StatCounter account. All your websites can be tracked from the same account with StatCounter. All for free!

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