Macromedia, Speedera Offer Secure Web Video
Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:02 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Macromedia Inc. and Speedera Networks on Monday launched a secure delivery system for Internet video aimed at boosting pay-per-view video and other online subscription services.
Macromedia, a multimedia software maker, said the secure service for streaming its Flash video over Internet connections would help media companies and advertisers protect everything from music to movie trailers from piracy.
The service ensures that content can only be played from its intended Web site, while the site's address cannot be mass-mailed to unauthorized users.
The service can also be used to secure Internet-based video conferencing, in which users would register to view a conference much like they do now for audio broadcasts over the Web. The two companies were set to announce the service at the National Association of Broadcasters conference in Las Vegas.
Privately-held Speedera, an Internet content delivery firm, has managed Internet traffic linked to events like the "American Idol" television show and the NASA mission to Mars. The company agreed in March to be acquired by rival Akamai Technologies for $130 million.
