The Wayback Machine -
Outdoor Management Network
... helping companies and organizations strengthen their marketing, public relations, and Internet programs.

America Outdoors, the premier Sports site
Information Services for Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts


Welcome To Outdoor!

... a program of Outdoor Management Network Inc.

Outdoor Management Network is composed of highly experienced marketing specialists who help businesses and non-profit organizations market their products and services to outdoor recreation enthusiasts.


Ever wish your organization could have the benefits of an experienced, full service P-R or marketing support firm, or a web design firm whenever you needed it for whatever project you needed? Now you can. Outdoor offers part-time and fulltime marketing and public relations support services to assist your sales and marketing programs. You receive prompt, efficient, professional assistance that eliminates hassles and assures top quality results, completed on time.

What We Offer

Our marketing and public relations services include: strategic sales and marketing planning using all media resources, including the web and Internet. We develop traditional and web-based sales and marketing communication programs, and prepare business communications of all types, including press releases, product flyers, brochures, catalogs, dealer point-of-purchase materials, newsletters, banners, and specialty items. We provide marketing and public relations consultation to help your small or large business meet or exceed your sales and marketing goals. We provide a broad array of database management and fulfillment services.

Benefits of Our Services

Our programs provide numerous benefits. We enhance your staffing capabilities at low cost and provide needed temporary or fulltime services that maximizes your sales and marketing dollars. Our diverse programs allow you to reach grass roots outdoor recreation enthusiasts to enhance your marketing efforts and increase sales. We also free up your time, increasing your capabilities and adding to your bottom line.

Contact Us Today

Outdoor Management Network Inc.
4607 NE Cedar Creek Rd.
Woodland, WA 98674
Phone: 360-225-5000
Fax: 360-225-7616
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Visit Adventure News Network

Now you can purchase fresh copy and photos for your website, online publication, print publication, or marketing communication.
Check It Out!

Need A Press Release?

A good product isn't worth much without a good press program. Let us help.
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Is Your Website Outdated?

We'll make you a cyberspace leader.
Web Design Services

Site design by Outdoor Management Network
Copyright ©1996-2001 Outdoor Management Network Inc.