Full Time Professionals: Keller Williams® is made up of top full time sales
associates and supporting staff that are carefully selected to be part of our
Knowledgeable: In addition to required education for licensing, our sales associates
attend numerous courses through Keller Williams®University to keep them
up-to-date on current real estate trends and information. Our training is the
most comprehensive in the industry.
Professional Standards: Our standards for performance are for the benefit of
our clients and they are the highest standards in the industry. Our policy manual
guarantees our professional standards.
Financing Power: Our sales associates and staff maintain a day-to-day contact
with preferred lending institutions in their business area. This helps our buyers
find the best possible financing.
Prequalified Buyers: At Keller Williams®, we work to protect buyers
and sellers by obtaining pre-qualifying information on all potential buyers.
This service helps buyers know if they might be qualified to purchase a new
home and it helps sellers know if their purchaser may be qualified to purchase
a home.
Inventory Knowledge: In order to be successful in working with buyers, each
Keller Williams® office maintains a large inventory of brokerage and
new homes for sale. Our associates are always aware of all the available properties
within their market.
Total Commitment: Our commitment to you is this- We will always strive to provide
professional real estate services to the very best of our ability.