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WTO analytical index WTO Analytical Index — Guide to WTO Law and Practice The WTO Analytical Index is the authoritative guide to the interpretation and application of findings and decisions of WTO panels, the WTO Appellate Body and other WTO bodies. You can find jurisprudence or decisions of competent bodies in two different ways. |
Place your mouse over the short names below to see the full title of each Agreement. Clicking the links will take you to a table of contents for that Agreement, broken down by Article and paragraph. In each case the legal text of the Article is followed by jurisprudence or decisions in chronological order. WTO Agreement | GATT 1994 | Agriculture | SPS | Textiles | TBT | TRIMs | Anti-dumping | Customs Valuation | Preshipment Inspection | Rules of Origin | Import Licensing | SCM | Safeguards | GATS | TRIPS | DSU | TPRM | Civil Aircraft | Government Procurement | Dairy | Bovine |
Find jurisprudence or decisions by index of terms Examples: “anti-dumping”, “footwear”, “like products”, “notification procedure”. If you are searching for a particular dispute by country name, you should refer to the name of the respondent country. Only those cases for which a ruling has been adopted by the DSB are included in this index.
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