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UNC Center for Functional GI and Motility Disorders

Diarrhea Predominant IBS and Functional Diarrhea

Supervising Physician Y. Ringel, MD
Organization UNC Center for Functional GI & Motility Disorders
Bioinformatics Building, CB#7080
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7080
Medical Specialty Gastroenterology
Contact Alesia Aileo, Research Study Coordinator (email)
Phone 919-843-4838
Fax 919-843-0800
Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy an investigational drug to treat diarrhea predominant IBS or functional diarrhea.
  • You must be between the ages of 18 and 75 years
  • Have diarrhea predominant IBS or functional diarhea (> bowel movements/day)
  • Generally healthy, with no prior gastric or intestinal surgery
Compensation $150

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UNC School of Medicine