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Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen
I'm not that

Posts: 2976
(2/21/05 9:46 pm)


Tael'Aen desperately needs YOU!
Yes, that's right. Tael'Aen is growing still. We still are desperately seeking people to help us ease through these growing pains!

We are looking specifically for people who:

Have an approved character(s)

Have played with us at least a month

Are dedicated to our world, and wish to help us realize the continuing dream of Tael'Aen. Reliable souls that have the time to set aside at least two or three days out of the week to assist.

Are familiar, if not down right nutty familiar with everything on Tael'Aen

Those whom are, if not intimate, marginally confident and knowledgeable in grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Unlike myself.)

Think you can fill those shoes? Think you have what it takes? Then come along with me...We need you here:

Plot Masters
A position for those who seem to find more joy in messing with the best laid character plans. This requires a more active imagination, intimate knowledge of what is acceptable and not in Free Form role playing, the rules of Tael'Aen and a willingness to understand that sometimes you don't need an NPC/Character to drive a plot!

Staff Members:
This includes: Specialized staff members who can chose to single out a part of Tael'Aen to concentrate on solely. We seek individuals that would be willing to focus on: Character applications, Forum moderation, World concept design.

Scriptorium Scribes:
A scriptorium scribe is an expert upon some aspect of Tael'Aen, whether it be a race, a place, Lore, History, clothing style, plants, animals, weaponry, magics, or anything else that continually assists us in building this world. A scribe is as respected as a staff member and are often called upon for their inside knowledge on whichever subject their expertise lay.

Thanks so much! Please help us to help you in bringing a more enjoyable atmosphere to Tael'Aen.

Edited by: Tael Aen  at: 2/21/05 9:47 pm
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