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Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/13/04 11:33 am)
I, Lakyra, am hereby signing this form to ask acceptance into this lovely rpg. peripatetic (don't know what that means but there it is :) )

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 1995
(8/14/04 5:22 pm)

Re: Signing


Welcome aboard and thanks for signing!

(Main Entry: [2]peripatetic
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French peripatetique, from Latin peripateticus, from Greek peripatEtikos, from peripatein to walk up and down, discourse while pacing (as did Aristotle), from peri- + patein to tread; akin to Sanskrit patha path —more at FIND
Date: 1566
1 : capitalized : ARISTOTELIAN
2 a : of, relating to, or given to walking b : moving or traveling from place to place : ITINERANT
- peri·pa·tet·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
- Peri·pa·tet·i·cism /-'te-t&-"si-z&m;/ noun

Pronunciation Key

© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
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The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Edited by: Tael Aen  at: 8/14/04 5:23 pm
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 5
(8/18/04 1:09 am)
signy sign sign
Umm...I don't know if I'm still to sign here, but, I will! To keep all my bases covered.

BOMBASTIC! But the rules thing says to put "peripatetic somewhere"...I am confused. Unless I am so tired as to not realize that means the same thing of sorts. Oh well, they are both there. O.o



I'm going on a fantastic. You coming with?

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2025
(8/18/04 1:18 am)

Re: signy sign sign

Howdy. The word changes to keep people on their toes. :) Bombastic was the older one. Since your app was finished before the 'sign here' was implemented, you didn't have too. :-P But it was awesome that you did anyhow.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Peace Spieson
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/18/04 3:13 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
The bombastic peripatetic bringer of Peace creeps ever closer to role playing on this beautiful site . . .

Greetings, but likely won't start character creation until August 29th, when I get back from vacation . . .

A tall, broad chested, human wearing a long, snugg fitting, chain shirt, often riding a gray mare. His skin is golden tan, and his brown hair curls at mid neck and ear level. His gray eyes often bear a fierce look. He carries a large steel shield bearing a blue circle, a long sword, and a thick stringed, sturdy, long bow.

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/19/04 11:49 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
I Thewhisperintheshadows AKA: Iara Brelwyn make it known that I have read the rules.

(Err Im not sure if my name is appropriate that was a little fuzzy if not I shall be back with a new. I am now filling out an application and it will be with you soon. Oh and im a bit confused about the frequently used term bombastic, but im sure i will find out some way or another)

Not all things that dwell in the dark are evil.

To live is to love. Live for the day.

Green Blade
Posts: 41
(8/20/04 3:54 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
So... feeling in a peripatetic mood, I decided not only to visit my gaming clan's site, but this one too, and what did I find? Something I never found before, a thread in which I needed to sign something...

*quirks a suspicious brow*


*checks the document for any fine print*

Alright... alright...


Asseri Nallin
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 9
(8/24/04 3:22 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
Peripatetic... Yar, who used the word as his first well... word? That's right me, and I read the rules, and shan't venture from them. :duel

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(9/13/04 3:41 am)
Re: signy sign sign
I, Raiyne, request permission to create a character to RP with. And I shall say "In a bombastic fashion'' (As everyone else has)
And I will abide by the rules. . Anyway, I hope to be RPing soon. When I fill out that application form that is...


Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2295
(9/13/04 2:30 pm)

Re: signy sign sign

Thorn, you need to re-read the rules. ;) You've an inncorrect word.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Tristram Intrepid
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(9/26/04 9:13 pm)
The large print giveth, and the fine print taketh away
I have read the rules and regulations.

But I refuse to say peripatetic. You can't make me. I am a rebel.

Also: Dancing Banana: :bana

Endless Rhapsody
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(9/29/04 8:23 pm)
Lookit'! I signed!
well, i'm PrEtty suRe I have to sign here. i ran into this PlAce while i was supposed To bE sTudyIng for a math test. so i Can't really post my character profile, but tomorrow i will!

::Cough:: There are no subliminal messages! None I tells ya'! But, on a serious note, I signed! And I should throw up character information in a day or so; such is the curse of classes. ::Notes that the lack of capitalization in that first paragraph is due to mun paranoia . . . Since someone doubts ezcodes . . .:: I can't guess who that might be!

Khuzdul Kavran 
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(10/7/04 9:38 am)
Re: Lookit'! I signed!
After thinking long and hard about whether or not signing this might somehow prove hazardous to his health, Khuzdul grabs a long blacksmiths tool and scrawls into the earth:

[i]I, Khuzdul Kavran sign here.[/i]

Then he ponders his signature and walks away before he rubs it out again in paranoia.

(Hey folks! It's TALYL! Decided to try something new ;) )

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2369
(10/7/04 3:12 pm)

Re: Lookit'! I signed!

Talyl! You missed something!

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Donut Pirate
of Tael'Aen

Posts: 791
(10/7/04 10:20 pm)
Re: Lookit'! I signed!
:mwuaha Sorry!

Khudzul thhen takes up a peripatetic role and walks away.... ;)


Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2374
(10/8/04 9:37 pm)

Re: Lookit'! I signed!


Thanks - and actually, it seems a pretty common thing to miss , so don't feel bad.

A few others here have forgotten to include it, but it seems like they've not come back yet!

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Toris Shadowkiller
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 2
(10/9/04 12:34 am)
Re: signy sign sign
um sure...i too sign this here thing a mijig and agree to follow all the fun rules i read. now i must finish my application.

She has learned so many things, she has
a harsh dark world built on lies
she learned to deceive and mislead she has
sorrow shining bright in her eyes
a cold life it is she lives
pointless death surrounds
all her tired heart she gives
lost loyal friends to the ground
so hard has it been
to stay honest and loyal
not knowing who to trust when
alone in this thankless toil
she has learned the face of death
and sickness stalks her fate
a child she was, innocent, bereft
of any knowledge of hate
never before did she fear a man
or see pure pain mirrored upon a face
acting the fool she has not run
to escape this terrible place
she has changed so much
and grown so far
she doesn’t recognize herself anymore
lonely, lost and alone
all innocence gone

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2377
(10/9/04 1:23 am)

Re: signy sign sign

Toris, please re - read the rules :) You've missed something important.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Toris Shadowkiller
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 3
(10/9/04 10:00 am)
Re: signy sign sign
hmmm yeah i sp'ose i should have read that little hting at the bottom. peraphetic er whatever it is.

She has learned so many things, she has
a harsh dark world built on lies
she learned to deceive and mislead she has
sorrow shining bright in her eyes
a cold life it is she lives
pointless death surrounds
all her tired heart she gives
lost loyal friends to the ground
so hard has it been
to stay honest and loyal
not knowing who to trust when
alone in this thankless toil
she has learned the face of death
and sickness stalks her fate
a child she was, innocent, bereft
of any knowledge of hate
never before did she fear a man
or see pure pain mirrored upon a face
acting the fool she has not run
to escape this terrible place
she has changed so much
and grown so far
she doesn’t recognize herself anymore
lonely, lost and alone
all innocence gone

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2381
(10/9/04 10:29 am)

Re: signy sign sign


The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Jack Oran
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 2
(10/10/04 12:11 am)
Re: signy sign sign
-steve warren

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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