Games News |
Rifts: Promise of Power Screenshots and Info added. Kevin Siembieda's acclaimed pencil and paper RPG is brought to electronic life in conjunction with a powerful 3d graphics engine. Nokia have been chasing ...
The Roots: Gates of Chaos Developer's Website and Screenshots Added. What looks to be a simultaneous release with a full "Roots" game on the PC and XBox machines, the Gates of Chaos looks to be a nice top ...
Glimmerati Read our Interview with the Producers! Glam Racing Game, and another Nokia in-house title. Prepare for 5 laps of Birmingham's inner ring road as Slade take on The Sweet. Or something. 3-d ...
X-Men: Legends Demo Available. It's an adventure game, with some RPG and a lot of fighting. Activision are using the Movie costumes (so no yellow spandex for Wolverine, more's the pity) but the winning ...
High Seize Announced at GDC: Pirates! Treasure! Strategy! From the guys who brought you Pathway to Glory. It's time to start believing in the power of Red Lynx, with this strategy adventure. Likely ...
Mile High Pinball Announced at GDC: Pat Lawlor, the god of pinball design., must be wondering what Nokia are on. 80 stacked tables, all accessible with one singe pinball? It's not Banzai Run, but pinball on ...
King of Fighters The first 'beat em up' on the N-Gage, and what a franchiseto exploit! The fighting engine on the Neo Geo Pocket version would work wonderfully on the N-Gage, so let's hope for a solid ...
Pathway to Glory Reviewed and Released. Southern Europe, 1943. The Allies are fighting for every inch against the Axis powers. Take control in Nokia's first exclusive N-Gage game. This turn based strategy ...
Asphalt: Urban GT Reviewed and Released.Could this be the first racing game promising as much action and speed as Claude Lelouch's Parisian petrol fest "Rendezvous?" Fingers crossed the customised ...
SSX Out of Bounds Screenshots Added. Strap a plank of wood to your feet and race dow nine original tracks in EA's winter wonderland for daredevils.
Worms World Party Screenshots Added. For those who have managed to not play this classic it must be said that these are some of the most addictive and fun turn-based multiplayer games ever made and with the ...
Pocket Kingdom Now Available: There are those who like quick action games. For those that prefer the slower cerebral mix, there are RPG's. Pocket Kingdom looks to have all the standard RPG elements. walk ...
Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey Reviewed on AAN. First person RPG from the classic PC and console series. The Elder Scrolls sees you fighting over 50 different foes as you search for the power of the Shadowkeys, as you ...
FIFA 2005 Released and Reviewed. Given that FIFA 2004 is one of the strongest titles on the N-Gage, this update could be simply the new teams, or wholesale changes. We'll find out shortly in our full ...
Operation Shadow: Theatres of War Reviewed. Another Nokia N-Gage exclusive game, this looks to be a mix of Command and Conquer with a dash of Rebelstar Raiders. Real time strategy, with 4 player bluetooth multiplayer means ...