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Affiliate Marketing? E-Mail Marketing? Vist the new Marketing Domination Blog Today! New Internet Marketing, Web Site Promotion, Web Site Marketing, Search Engine Optimization & Affiliate Marketing Tips, Offers, Suggestions & Instructions weekly! Bookmark our site for easy returns! Make Money Online! JUST RELEASED! AFFILIATE MARKETING SPECIAL REPORT! Don't miss this FREE online resource - everything you need to know about making money online with Affiliate Programs... Read It Now! >>> How To Build Google-Friendly Web Pages Your Search engine optimization just got a lot easier!!! 10 Steps to a Google-Friendly Page uses 16 videos to show you STEP-BY-STEP how to optimize your web pages for Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc. SEO Videos > MARKETING DOMINATION! NEW!!! FREE DOWNLOAD - GURU MAGIC E-BOOK! NEW!!! 32 top Gurus were polled for their Top Tips in any of 12 different Internet Marketing areas. Read their answers FREE, and save years of research! Benefit from their combined experience by getting GURU MAGIC for free with your Marketing Domination subscription... Subscribe Now! >>> Protect Your Flash & Audio Content - Prepare NOW For The Upcoming Internet Explorer Changes!!! FREE Report >>> Free Rebrand Profits Affiliate Marketing E-Book The Rebrand Profits E-Book details how you can make more money promoting affiliate programs using various free brandable e-books. Rebrand the links in this book, then use the FREE sales tools included to begin your viral marketing money machine! MORE INFO > FREE GIFT Now! FREE 'Secrets of Internet Millionaires' Bundle - thousands are getting rich on the Internet... So can YOU! This FREE package will show you how to get YOUR share of the e-commerce revolution... MORE INFO > |
Making Money Online!Whether it's web site marketing, web site promotion, submitting to search engines, optimizing meta-tags, email marketing, creating ebooks, marketing ebooks, writing newsletters, building email lists, creating affiliate programs, promoting affiliate programs, recruiting affiliates, building subscriber lists or any other form of Internet marketing, 99.63 times out of 100 it comes down to the same motivation - MAKING MONEY ONLINE! Get the Internet's LARGEST bundle of resources on Blogging ever! CLICK HERE for YOUR Secrets of the Super Bloggers Bundle!!! No matter what your Internet marketing needs, you'll find all the information and tools your need to be successful here on the Market My Dot Com! web site. What makes MMDC! different from other Internet marketing sites online? Our tips & advice come from years of experience in all areas of making money online... Three of our partner sites each serve up over ONE MILLION PAGE-VIEWS per year - The Cyber Surfer Models & Photographers Showcase, Champigny Photography and - all without spending 1¢ on advertising or web site promotion! We've earned thousands of dollars through affiliate programs, and our retail sales through continue to rise every year. • Click Here to Subscribe to the MMDC Newsletters! • Drop us a line to let us know what you think of the site, OK? Wishing you ever-increasing success, both online & off... Be a Published Blogger within 3 hours of downloading this FREE E-BOOK! CLICK HERE for YOUR Quick-Start Guide to Becoming a Super-Blogger! Web Site MarketingMarketing your web site is the next step beyond search engine optimization & submission. Pick up a lot of FREE Information on Web Site Marketing with these FREE E-Books: 33 Days to Online Profit, Ultimate Traffic Secrets, Greatest Marketing Secrets of the Ages, Psychological Secrets to Maximum Sales and E-Zine Joint Venture Secrets - all FREE, all available for Download HERE! And keep building your broadcast fax list - offline marketing will be just as important to your site as online marketing is as time goes on! 12 Professional Internet Marketers want to help YOU make 2005 your BEST YEAR YET! CLICK HERE for YOUR 40 FREE BONUSES!!! Web Site PromotionNow you can use our Market My Dot Com! site to promote your web site big time! Our web site promotion webmaster tools include submitting your site to our Web Directory, Free E-Books to give away on your site and a new tool to Give your Web Site Traffic an Instant Boost! Submitting To Search EnginesYou start by submitting your site to Yahoo!, Google & The Open Directory Project (DMOZ). Next, submit your site to our Market My Dot Com! Web Directory! Then stop by and pick up the MMDC! - Alexa Toolbar by clicking here... Now visit the rest of the engines & directories you come across, and check their ALEXA ranking in your new toolbar. If the ranking is under 250,000 it's a busy site - go ahead and submit. If it's ranking is above 250,000, don't waste your time unless the directory is specific to your niche. And speaking of niches... Niche Marketing - the Latest Trend!More & more Internet Marketers are seeing greater profits in Niche Marketing. Why? Many believe the Internet Marketing field is now too crowded for new entrepreneurs to make a decent buck. Others say the 'Gurus' have too large a portion - there's only scraps left for newcomers to fight over. Still others feel there's too little new Internet Marketing material coming out, leaving more and more marketers to sell the same stuff everyone else is pushing. Whatever the cause, many are finding their profits are higher in specific, non-marketing niches. So we're offering a Niche Marketing Success Pack with products of interest to the arts & crafts niche, recipes & cooking niche, gardeners and more - with their own web sites for you to sell them from! Check out our Niche Marketing Success Pack... Optimizing Meta-TagsThe first step towards Optimizing Meta Tags involves identifying your TRUE Key Words! Most webmasters make the mistake of simply listing those terms they think are most important to their success - forgetting that they are experts in their fields & often use a different jargon than their clients. To identify your True Key Words, poll your existing clients - ask them what THEY would punch in at Google if they were looking for your products or services. Often, there's a surprising difference between the keywords you've assumed and the True Key Words for your Meta Tags. Watch for more on this and other tips for Optimizing Meta Tags in the new year... Email MarketingThe best advice we can give you? The money to be made online is in your E-Mail List, not your web site! Yes, you need a great web site or web page to close the final sale, but without E-Mail Marketing you're only getting about 25% of the sales you deserve! Offer these Free E-Books as an incentive to joining your list - and don't forget to set up your FREE Autoresponders! Creating E-BooksTwo E-Books that can help A LOT are by Jim Edwards: '5 Ways To Create PDF E-Books' and the 'Copywriting & E-Books' Audio E-Book are both available FREE from our Free E-Books Page! Marketing E-Books, Writing Newsletters, Building Email Lists, Creating Affiliate Programs, Promoting Affiliate Programs, Recruiting Affiliates, Building Subscriber Lists and overall Internet Marketing......will be dealt with in detail during the course of 2005, both on this web site and in our e-mail newsletters. To be sure you don't miss out on ANY money-making ideas, tips & tricks, be sure to bookmark our site [Cntrl+D] for easy return, and subscribe to our newsletters Now! I look forward to seeing you again soon! All The Best, T.C. Marketing Domination BlogFor up-to-the-minute information on the latest Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Opt-In E-Mail Marketing trends, tips, tricks and resources, visit the Marketing Domination Blog regularly. The most recent 5 posts are shown below - click now to read the posts that interest you! |
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