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Top-Level Mailing Lists

These are the primary NetBeans mailing lists, intended for both general and module-specific discussion. They are split here into User and Developer lists, and broader community-related lists. To subscribe or unsubscribe, send a blank email to the appropriate address below. You can also browse the list archives online.

Support for NetBeans IDE

If you are a NetBeans IDE user, and want support, first subscribe to the nbusers list (links and info below), then post your question there. This is the only channel for support!

Top Level User and Developer Mailing Lists

A high-level announcements list, for the monthly newsletter and major release notifications. This is not a discussion list, and is not open to public posting. Traffic is very low (1-2 posts / month).
Recommended for : Anyone interested in NetBeans.
Average Posts / week* : < 1

The weekly newsletter distribution channel, starting April 19, 2004. Keep up to date with what's going on at with this short, weekly digest compiled by a different volunteer each week. This is not a discussion list, and is not open to public posting. Traffic is very low (4 posts / month).
Recommended for : NetBeans users and developers, who want to keep an eye on what's happening at
Average Posts / week* : 1

The NetBeans users mailing list. General discussion of NetBeans use, this is the place to ask for help and to help others.
Recommended for : General support and discussion, for NetBeans users of all levels. Developers and experienced users are encouraged to subscribe and help out newcomers.
Average Posts / week* : ~ 110


The main discussion and support list for J2EE development in NetBeans IDE. Covers NetBeans features for developing JSP/Servlets, Web services, EJBs, and J2EE applications. See for more info.
Recommended for : Support and discussion for NetBeans users doing J2EE development.
Average Posts / week* : ~ 20

The main NetBeans developers's mailing list. All day-to-day discussion and planning, of NetBeans development happens here.
Recommended for : Anyone working on the NetBeans codebase, or interested in doing so.
Average Posts / week* : ~ 30


The NetBeans User Interface (UI) mailing list.
Recommended for : People interested in the usability of the IDE and helping to improve it - discussions on the graphical appearance of the IDE, its key bindings, workflow issues ... Note this is not a support forum.
Average Posts / week* : < 10


The main list for discussions on how to use the Open APIs and how they should work. See for more info.
Recommended for : Anyone building modules for, or applications on top of, NetBeans.
Average Posts / week* : ~ 40


*Posts/week - average weekly traffic over the last 5 weeks.

Community & Other Mailing Lists

Broader-scope community related lists

This is a forum for discussion of infrastructure-type issues related to the whole NetBeans open source project - everything from what the "Reply-To:" addresses on mailing lists should be, through to what the navigation on the website should look like.
Recommended for : Anyone interested in the future of NetBeans! Do not mail support questions here!

Discussion on community marketing of NetBeans.
Recommended for : Anyone interested in helping to promote NetBeans worldwide.

Low-level discussions of ongoing work on and upcoming plans for the NetBeans website.
Recommended for : Anyone involved in working on content on a website, anyone who wants to help improve the website.

Discussion on different ways of teaching Java with the NetBeans IDE.
Recommended for : Java teachers, university professors and anyone interested in Java in education.

NetBeans related job forum, both wanted and offered. Note : This list is moderated, and is not a general purpose jobs forum! Job postings and resumes not relevant to NetBeans will not be approved.
Recommended for : Employers seeking NetBeans skills, and NetBeans developers seeking jobs.

Automated notifications of modules added to the Module Catalogue. This is not a discussion list, and is not open to public posting - traffic is very low. See the Catalogue pages for more info.
Recommended for : Anyone interested in new modules for NetBeans!


Lists in Your Language

These lists are intended for community members who cannot communicate in english on the other lists. Note in the interests of maximising the sharing of community knowledge use of the english lists wherever possible is recommended. In cases where that is not possible the following localised lists are available. Each list has a "community leader" who voluntairily acts as a liason between their list members and the wider english community, for example translating and cross-posting anything of interest (though this is not expected for normal day-to-day traffic).

   fr flag
Liste de discussion en français où vous pouvez discuter entre francophones au sujet de l'EDI NetBeans.
Recommandé pour : les membres francophones de la communauté NetBeans

   ru flag
Рассылка для русскоговорящих пользователей и разработчиков NetBeans. Место для общего обсуждения NetBeans, от использования до разработки приложений на её основе.
Рекомендовано для : Русскоязычной части сообщества NetBeans.

   ja flag
NetBeans IDEについての情報交換の為のメーリングリストです。
   zh flag
中文 NetBeans 综合讨论 - 用法、社区以及开发等方方面面。 推荐人选: 对 NetBeans 感兴趣且说中文的任何人。


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