Copes Islander Oceanfront Bed and Breakfast
Comox Valley, Vancouver Island B & B and Vacation
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BC Holiday Travel / Tourism > Vacations > Canada > British Columbia > Vancouver Island Holidays
Planning a holiday in British Columbia? If you are, visit to Vancouver Island is a must. Be sure to allocate enough time in your itinerary to take in some of the scope and variety of Vancouver Island's many places and environments. With a total area of 32,134 sq. km and a driving time of about seven hours from Victoria in the south to Port Hardy in the north, Vancouver Island has a lot of territory to explore.
Come and enjoy a little Island time... A world recognised vacation destination... Vancouver Island has been selected by the readers of Conde Nast as the Best Temperate Island Destination in the World in the November 2002 issue of the Magazine. Length : 454 Km (282 miles)
Vancouver Island stretches southeast to northwest along the western coast of British Columbia. The rugged west coast is inundated with deep fjords between high mountains with a few small communities located on the shores of protected inlets. The eastern plain is rich with timber, farmlands, fishing streams, small communities and cities.
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