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Stripers Online Logo - Striped bass, stripers, surf and saltwater fishing articles, tackle, techniques, discussions, photos and pictures.Striped Bass Fishing, Surf Fishing and Striper Fishing Tackle Online StoreLogo - Striped Bass Fishing, Stripers and Striper Fishing, Surf Fishing, Saltwater Fishing tackle, techniques, discussions, articles, photos and pictures.

Beautiful fall fishing sky at Ortley Beach NJ P

(Photo Above: Taken by TimS at Ortley Beach, NJ during one spectacular sunrise in late October.)

We've put together some pictures submitted to us by friends, acquaintances, and of course, a few of our own favorites along the way. Everyone is encouraged to submit any photos they'd like to see and scenery photos only please! Striped bass fishing, surf fishing, saltwater fishing, striper fishing...even freshwater fishing pictures are more than welcomed here. They can be of any type of fish or outdoor scene or historic landmark or fishing location, so long as it created a memory for you that you'd like to share with other fishermen and women. Please feel free to send any and all of your pictures that you'd like to see up here to TimS!- please add some details about the fish and the catch so I can add it to the your photo page when it is added :-)

Arby Ed G Erik T Ben S Phil4S Pete M
Arne Augie Bait Boy Bill B Brian W Charlie
Chris G Cowhunter Dan S Dave C Dennis Z Dan O
Dave S Dusky Eelman Fred B Gary K Indian River Inlet
Ismail G JCX Jeepster Jerry T Jesse Jim K
JohnB John D John E John M Team L&H Luke
MikeP (Ditch) Miscellaneous Montauk  Mrs. GMiller Mrs. John M Paul Naj
Phil L Plug Reel Ranger Rhodyred Rich In2bass Rick7
Rich K Rich S Robert Williams Saltheart Scott G Steve S
Stu SwFly Surfman Ted S Tim S Tim's Vest Stuff
Sebastian Terragator Todd Tommy C Walkin' Jack

*If you feel this information can be of value to others, please feel free to link directly to this page - the URL to link to is shown in your browser window.
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This page was last updated on April 8, 2005
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