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Stupid Clothes


(Warning: This rant has bad words in it, though I have cleaned it up considerably from the original version.)

F*ck hand wash and line dry!! I am so sick of every single item of clothing I buy saying that I have to hand wash or wash separately on gentle cycle and line dry or reshape and lay flat to dry. WHAT IN THE HELL WERE WASHERS AND DRYERS INVENTED FOR? Dumb idiots. These people who make women's clothing are out of their minds. Do they think we really have the time to hand wash every single piece of clothing that we own? Apparently, that must be all women are good for. Might as well make our lives more difficult than it already is. Assholes. It's not as though it isn't possible to make "machine wash warm, tumble dry" clothes. ALL MEN'S CLOTHES ARE MADE THAT WAY. THAT PISSES ME OFF BEYOND BELIEF. MEN ARE SO F*CKING SPECIAL THAT ALL THEIR CLOTHES ARE MADE SO THAT THEY ARE EASY TO CARE FOR. God forbid that a man should have to hand wash, line dry his pants or shirt. Oh hell no, that would be too much to ask FROM A MAN. Do you know why? It is because they are so much more important than women. Well, at least it's easy on those women who are treated as her husband's slave and has to do his laundry or he will just leave it lying all over the house and he will go out wearing dirty clothes every day if she doesn't do it for him. At least she doesn't have to hand wash all of his clothes along with hers. What a pain in the ass that would be.

It's not as though I'm being unreasonable. I understand that if you buy silk, wool, rayon, etc. there will be special care involved. That's fine with me. I don't need any stinking fancy clothes. All I want is PLAIN COTTON AND POLYESTER CLOTHES THAT I CAN MACHINE WASH AND TUMBLE DRY. But it's like pulling teeth trying to find any clothes like that.

Another thing is, what is the deal with these low rise jeans? They look good on about 1% of the female population. The rest of the ladies just look short and fat when they wear them. Who made up this stupid style? I'm 105 lbs. and they look stupid on me. Some 16 year olds can get away with it but the rest of us just look like we are trying to look young and failing miserably at it. I hate those stupid bell bottom pants too. You can't find pants that fit. They all hang 4-5 inches below my feet. I'm average height, about 5'4. They make pants for people who are 5'10, I reckon. How many women do you know that are 5'10? Not me. Not my mom. ONLY ONE WOMAN I KNOW IS THAT TALL, AND SHE IS ABOUT 170 lbs. I really doubt she'll look good in low rise jeans. Stupid fashion designers. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them.

And what is with these new shoes people are wearing? They look like regular loafers, EXCEPT THEY HAVE NO HEEL!! What? I'm supposed to freeze to death? F*ck that! My feet get cold! You lose body heat through your feet and head. I need regular shoes with my heels covered. I can't find shoes that work for me. It pisses me off beyond belief. It doesn't help that I have narrow feet, and most shoes are made for regular width.

I'm making a website about how pissed off I am about women's clothing care. Keep your eyes open for it. There will be a place for you to submit your comments. If you agree with what I'm saying and would like to submit your comments for my future website, write to me at and tell me how you feel.


05/25/04 - I'm back. I cleaned this page up and took most of the "F*CK" words out of it. (most, not all.) Guess what? I ended up getting low rise jeans and of course, they look great on me, but I'm skinny. What about all the normal sized or heavy women? It won't look great on the rest of you, so don't try it. And I also got some of those no heeled shoes. At least I don't have to worry about getting blisters on my heels, but they still don't make any sense. I got my husband a nice shirt the other day. While shopping, I saw a number of men's shirts that were rayon, and guess what? Yep, they were 'machine wash, tumble dry'. So, does that mean I can now machine wash all of MY rayon clothes? Probably not, because they undoubtedly make the women's rayon clothing weak and fragile and it will probably fall apart. WHY? Why is it so hard to make nice, easy to care for clothing for women when it seems to be sooooo easy to do that for men? Assholes. Apparently, no other woman ever thinks about this problem. No one has written to say, "Girlfriend, I agree with you totally about the clothes thing. It's idiotic and I want to join your protest." Guess what girls? The clothing industry will continue to treat us this way if we don't protest it. Why the hell do we have to choose from clothing sizes like 4,5,6,7,8, etc. Men can buy jeans without even trying them on because THEIR jeans are sized like this: 32 W 34 L. The waist and the length are measured for them. Women get to use the "every girl must be 5'10 philosophy", meaning we have to go have all our pants hemmed if we actually want them to fit right. I can't even buy capri pants because they all come down to my ankles. Who the hell is that tall? Oh yeah, the models that walk the runway in these clothes. Duh. Well, no one else is that tall. They should make women's pant sizes with the same consideration they give men. We shop more than anyone else, so why are they making it easier for the men? Assholes (again.) I want waist and length sizes on my jeans!!! Who's with me on this?? (No one as usual.)


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