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New Zealand
Grand Canyon
Las Vegas
Costa Rica
French Polynesia
Travel Tips
Travel Links
Online Arrangements
Guest Book

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain
Son of Missouri, citizen of the world

Sheep farm at sunset New Zealand - April/May 2004
bulletAuckland to Opua by sea
bulletBay of Islands
bulletNew Zealand to Fiji Passage by sea
bullet Auckland-Warkworth

Fiji - Bula from Ben

Fiji - April 1975, May 2004
bullet Viti Levu 1975 - Suva 2004
bullet Vanua Levu 1975
bulletBeqa 2004
Belize - April 1997
Hawaii - three trips: Feb 1983, Nov & Dec 1995, and Jan 2001, including the islands:
bullet Oahu
bullet Maui
bullet Kauai
bulletBig Island of Hawaii
French Polynesia - Jan 1978
bullet Tahiti
bulletBora Bora
00001188a.jpg (51460 bytes) The Grand Canyon, Arizona - Jan 2000
Top of dam, roadway, reservoir (58958 bytes) The Hoover Dam - Jan 2000
Las Vegas, Nevada - Jan 2000
including the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
Costa Rica - Jan 1995 - covering both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts, as well as inland locations.
Caribbean islands - Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Croix - Dec 1981

There are many links to scanned photos within the travelogues above. All images are 150k or less in size, except where otherwise noted. Most of the destination pages have multiple thumbnail images, which means the pages may take a minute or two to load if you are using a slow Internet connection.

I don't pretend to be an eco-tourist, so if you are looking for that angle, you won't find it here. I prefer to travel with a generous level of comfort. This means you won't find me using any of the local buses, seated amongst the chickens and vegetables - I'll be the guy in the taxi passing the local bus and taking a photo!

On the other hand, I try to not stay in Hiltons or Holiday Inns, or use American Express travel. I have found that I get much more out of the trip by using locally owned and operated hotels and travel services. Why travel 10,000 miles to stay in an American-style hotel? I may as well save my money and stay at the Four Seasons in Vancouver for a few days. Club Med also doesn't appeal to me, despite considering myself a confirmed hedonist. There is something about those loud speakers announcing to the throngs that "signups for volleyball are being taken next to the bar" every five minutes that reminds me more of an army camp than a vacation spot. Don't get me wrong - they offer good travel value - it's just not for me.

JoeTourist's Travel Tips - My thoughts and advice as a seasoned traveler. How much do you pack? What about personal security in exotic locations? Do I rent a car, hire taxis, or take a bus to see the local sights? What about health and travel insurance, immunizations, other personal stuff, and travelling solo?

Please note: Any costs quoted using "$" are United States Dollars (and are approximate only), unless otherwise noted.

All photos, text and sounds are Copyright Joseph A. Carr and JoeTourist InfoSystems, except where otherwise noted. Please read my Copyright and Terms of Use notice before you even think of using my photos!

There are a small number of photos and other graphics which I have captured from web pages of others. Credit and copyright is given where it was indicated on the original. If you see your image on these pages and do not wish it to be used by me, please contact me and I will remove it at once.

If you have any questions about the locations mentioned, or if you would like to be notified when these pages are updated, please contact me.

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Last updated: May 20, 2005
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