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Looking To Hire A Car In Knock  Airport ?

Here is some general information provided by Knock Airport car rental staff.

Knock airport is located near Charlestown Co. Mayo. It is Ireland's fourth international airport. Last year some 250,000 pasengers passed through our doors, a growth of 25% over the previous year, making it the fastest growing airport in the country. It is the only international airport serving the EU designated Border, Midland and Western region of Ireland and links the West and North West of Ireland with the UK and many European and intercontinental destinations.

For 2004, Knock International Airport offers a range of flights to over 20 destinations including new scheduled routes to Glasgow,Manchester, Nottingham East Midlands and now Liverpool starting on the 21st June. There is also a range of new sun bound charter plus a number of one-off flights to specific holiday and city destinations including South Africa.

Catering and Bars
The Runway Bar
Small cosy café located on the ground floor. Provides coffee/tea, soft drinks, full licence, snacks, sandwiches, lunches, fresh baked produce.

Knock Airport Restaurant
Large bar with panoramic runway views located on the first floor. Full bar, also offers snacks and complete meals.

Car Park Facilities
Knock International Airport offers cheap and accessible car parking from as little as €19.50 per week or just €7.60 per day.

Passenger Departure Fee
With effect from January 2000, Knock International Airport has introduced an Airport Departure Fee of €10.00 payable by all outbound passengers (excluding children under 12).
The reasons for such a fee are:
to help absorb some of the losses incurred as a result of the abolition of duty free sales
to assist with the future development of Knock International Airport.

Bank of Ireland 365 Cash Dispenser
Located on ground floor in arrivals hall. Euro cash only.

Public Communications
Yo! Internet kiosk located in the arrivals area of the terminal
Eircom telephones: coin or card
ITG coin telephones

Childrens Play Area
Childrens Play Area is located in the Departures Area beside the bar and restaurant.

Information desk
The Information desk islocated near entrance, beside the arrivals area.

The shop is located on ground floor, across from bar.

Ticket Desk The tickey desk is located near check-in area.

Toilets (includes toilets for those with disabilities. Located on ground floor and also upstairs as well as in the Departure Area)

Baby Changing Facilities: The Airport has a changing facility fully equipped for changing.

Autohire Ireland provide Car Hire services in Dublin Airport provide very competitive car rental in Shannon airport. Cars may be picked up at prebooked area in the Arrivals hall.

The Information Desk is in the main concourse and can help with transport, accommodation and general tourist information.

Knock Shrine Office
Located on ground floor, offers information on Knock Marian Shrine and Pilgrimage.

SHOPPING: The gift shop at Knock Airport offers a wide selection of brands sourced from Irish and International suppliers-Duty Free is available for passengers travelling to non EU destinations.


Knock Airport  Car Rental Quote
Collect From:

Return To:

Vehicle Class:
Additional Driver:
Additional Child Seat:


Knock Airport has excellent road connections with the south, east and west of Ireland. 

Bus, Rail and Knock Airport Shuttle Bus Service

Bus Éireann are now operating a new shuttle bus service between Knock Airport & Charlestown which links with the Bus Éireann network. For more information on this service phone (096) 71800.
Expressway long distance coach services linking cities and towns in Ireland.

  • City bus services in Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford.
  • Town services in Athlone, Drogheda, Dundalk, Navan and Sligo

    Taxis: Specific taxi-cabs are licenced by Knock International Airport and are available outside the Terminal Building. These cabs provide taxi services to/from the Airport to destinations within the region, complimenting bus, rail and car hire transportation. Rate estimate of €1.30 per mile and are cash fares.

    If you wish to order a taxi, please phone the Airport at 094 9367222 and ask for the licenced taxi on rota duty for that particular day. For International dialling use the prefix 00 353, drop the 0 and continue with the remaining numbers.

    FLIGHTS & SCHEDULES: The number of inbound and outbound destinations have grown greatly over the last years. Currently Aer Arann, BMI, BMI Baby & My LIte Travel fly from KNock on the following routes:

    Scheduled Flights

    BMI - Glasgow (Mon - Thurs & Sun)  Manchester  (Daily)

    Aer Arann - Dublin Daily Slattery's - Lanzarote (Wed Only)

    BMI Baby - Notingham East Midlands Daily

    My Travel Lite - Birmingham

    Chartered Flight Destinations

    Lanarote - Alicante - Palma - Almeira - Capetown - Prague

  • Casey Car Hire Knock Airport
    Need help? From Ireland call 01 845-7034. From Europe call 00-353-1-845-7034. M-F, 8am-6pm GMT.
    Planet Autohire Europe Limited.Registered in Ireland : Registered No. 343601.

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