Kilchis River Fishing
The Kilchis River is one of Oregon's cleanest river systems and therefore produces some excellent quality fishing for Oregon anglers and its visitors. The upper stretches are some of the most scenic on the North Oregon Coast.
The Kilchis River has fine runs of salmon and steelhead during most months of the year. Starting in January, hatchery steelhead area available to anglers from both bank and boats. The hatchery run lasts through February when the wild fish begin to show up in great numbers. The wild run lasts through April when the river goes quiet until the fall rains come drawing great numbers of fall run chinook and coho back to its basin.
The wild run fall chinook is heavily pursued by Oregon anglers and fish up to 45 pounds are not uncommon when fishing the Kilchis River. All coho salmon on the Kilchis must be released but the chinook salmon offer more than enough sport to justify a trip on this Northern Oregon Coast gem! Most of the lower Kilchis River is only accessible through private land but upstream towards Kilchis Park, great access can be had for the bank angler.
Other area rivers: Wilson River, Trask River, Tillamook River and Tillamook Bay.