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DISPUTE SETTLEMENT: APPELLATE BODY WTO Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards 1995–2004 The Appellate Body Repertory is intended to serve as a source of information for those interested in the field of international trade law. It was initially developed as an internal research tool to assist the Appellate Body Secretariat in carrying out its duty to provide legal support to Appellate Body Members. |
Examples: “burden of proof”, “national treatment”, “conditional appeal”.
Index by Case back to top Cases are listed by short title, e.g. “Brazil — Aircraft”. Appellate Body Reports
Arbitration Awards under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU
Index by Agreement/Article and other instruments back to top Place your mouse over the short names below to see the full title of each Agreement or Instrument. Clicking the links will take you to a table of references for that subject, broken down by Article. Agriculture | Anti-dumping | DSU | GATS | GATT 1994 | Import Licensing | Paris Convention | Safeguards | SCM | SPS | TBT | Textiles | TRIPS | Vienna Convention | Working Procedures | WTO Agreement Annexes back to top
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