The King Country is named after the movement King Tawhiao led last century to resist alienation of Maori land. After the movement's failure, he and his followers sought refuge in the remoter parts of this region and for a time thereafter Pakeha ventured into the King Country at their peril.
Although the King Country now has several substantial towns, beyond them a sense of isolation persists in what is some of the North Island's wildest, stunningly beautiful, and most unspoilt terrain.
The following images are photo's taken around the King Country - North Taranaki region, which includes: Kawhia - Mokau - Tongaporutu - Waitomo - Aotea - Otorohanga - Te Kuiti- Taumarunui - Pirongia - Taharoa - Marokopa - Awakino - Oparau - Piopio - Te Waitere - Te Anga - Kinohaku...
If you believe you have an image that capture's the uniqueness of King Country, and would like to submit it for consideration to the King Country gallery, please send to us, and if suitable we will place on the site...We can't guarantee your image will be accepted, but will return it, if not. However all care will be taken...