Sections - Click link or just
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Psychic-Spiritual-Energy Work
Correspondences for Witches
Misc. Articles
Psychic-Spiritual-Energy Work
The Controversy over Psychics' Charges
How to Develop Your Own
Psychic Abilities to Improve Your Life - by P.M.H. Atwater
The Truth of the Third Eye - by Joe Russa.
Tips on how to strengthen your third eye and your psychic ability.
Psychic Shielding -
White Light Shielding Techniques
Astral Attack
Spiritual Awakening
What is the Evil Eye?
Psychic Powers To Choose Winning Lottery Numbers
How Psychic Are You?
Children Who Talk to Angels
Right Versus Wrong - Is
your intuition always reliable?
Why Pay Attention To
Your Intuition?
Intuition At Home
Beware of Psychic Vampires
Lucid Dreams -
How to Create Your Own Dreams
Astral Projection -
How to Astral Project
Growing a Green Thumb
How to Share the Gospel
with Pagans
A very enlightening (and long) article. It will help you fight off
Christians. :)
What is a Pagan - by Pangie.
Contributed by Dancing Moon Child.
The Techno-Witch and Magickal Appliances
Techno Witch II - Magick With Your PC
Which Witch are you?
Bathroom Magic
Blessing The Money You Spend
Prosperity Practices - Rituals and
practices you can perform for prosperity.
Simple Love Spells
Freezer Spells
Simple Money Spells
Magic Food
Candle Burning
to Petition the Female Saints
Candle Burning to
Petition the Male Saints
Changing Your Luck
When Magic Doesn't Work - by
Van Ault. Helpful hints for when your spells don't work.
Visualization Exercises and
Uses of Creative Visualization
for Dissolving a Harmful Bond
161 Wiccan Laws - For those of you
are "Wiccan" but did not realize there was more to it than "Harm none, do
what ye will" - there is MUCH more. Check these out.
What Death Is - by P.M.H. Atwater.
All About Poppets - Poppet
Construction, History, and Other Fun Stuff
Witchcraft - Days of the Week - A
Correspondence that shows which days of the week are best for performing
certain types of spells.
Protective Symbols, Charms
and Totems
Plants, Herbs, and Roots for
Color Chart for Witches -
Color Associations, Symbolism and Meanings
Moon Phases - Cast your spells in harmony with the cycles of the
moon to achieve the most effective results.
Magical Uses of Crystals - Crystal Correspondences - More of a chart than an article.
Explains which crystals should be used for which purposes.
Crystals and Gemstones for Healing
- A chart showing which crystals are good for certain types of healing.
Three Steps to Crystal
Healing - article by Karen Ryan.
Basic Tarot for Beginners
A Crash Course in Tarot
for Newbies #1
A Crash Course in Tarot
for Newbies #2
Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #3
Relaxing into Reiki - An
explanation of Reiki by Anna Pizzoferrato
Reiki with Trust: My Business, My Lesson
- by Anna Pizzoferrato
Reiki Distance Healing
and the Courtroom - by Anna Pizzoferrato
The Male Rating System - How does
YOUR man measure up?
Articles Free Spells