The Strategic Planning and Policy Office provides support to the Assistant
Administrator for Weather Services and Deputy Assistant Administrator through
the development and implementation of an integrated approach to NWS policy,
strategy, and long-range planning processes. The Office develops NWS-wide
long-range policy objectives and develops and manages the NWS strategic planning
process through implementation. The Office develops and recommends policy on
NWS and private sector roles, activities, and relationships.
NOAA is proposing to clarify its "Policy on Partnerships in the Provision of Environmental Information Services." The proposed clarification may be reviewed and comments provided, by following the link below:
NWS Strategic Plan
The new NWS Strategic Plan for 2005-2010 is now available. This strategic plan
lays out the path we will take to accomplish our mission, advance our vision, and integrate our core values throughout NWS.
The theme of this plan, "Working Together to Save Lives," reflects our commitment to work with all of our partners
to provide the services America needs. The plan conforms to the substance and structure of
NOAA's Strategic Plan. In writing the plan, we considered all the input stakeholders provided at NOAA-sponsored meetings
and comments received on the public draft version.
NWS Strategic Plan for 2005-2010: Working Together to Save Lives
This file is in Adobe Acrobat® format. The free reader/printer for these files is available from
An archive of NWS strategic plans, as well as other NOAA line office plans, is available at the following link: www.spo.noaa.gov/losps.htm.
Policy Issues
We can be reached for questions or comments by E-mail at Edward.Johnson@noaa.gov
or by mail/phone/fax as follows:
NWS Strategic Planning and Policy
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3283
Phone: (301) 713-0258; Fax: (301) 713-1239 |