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Italica was set up in 1996 under the auspices of RAI International for the purpose of promoting a knowledge and awareness of Italian language and culture over the Internet and providing users with a forum and a means for communicating.
Italica is a RAI International website devoted to Italian language and culture. 
The Italian language course, designed by DIDAEL S.P.A., consists of 72 lessons divided into three levels, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
The lessons are organised according to Units, Functions or Rooms. The course is available in 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese.
Three sections of the site are devoted to Italian culture. Agenda is a daily listing of the most important Italian cultural events taking place in Italy and in the rest of the world.
Surfing is a monthly column dedicated to Italian websites. Topics provides a detailed look at Italian culture in the company of leading figures from the academic world both in Italy and abroad.
Radio broadcasts the RAI Satelradio programmes live every day.
Visitors can communicate with our editorial staff by means of the Newsletter, the dedicated forums and the features entitled Tell a friend and Feedback.
The Italica online archives currently contain 10,000 pages, 500 Real Audio audiovisual documents and 2,000 photos. This section is updated daily and includes a search engine to make surfing even easier.
Access to all services described is entirely free of charge.



Massimo Magliaro

Head of the Rai International Internet project and site manager:
Maurizio Imbriale

Officer ICT Third TV Station and Related Offers: 
Giorgio Fatale

Art Director
Franco Zeri

Site Manager

Elena Monopoli

Project assistant
Daniela Davoli

Author of texts
Francesco Troiano

Editorial staff
Danila Filippone
Francesco Moriconi
Katia Nobbio
Francesco Russo

Internet address

RAI International
Redazione Internet
Via Teulada, 66
C.a.p. 00195 Roma

E mail:
Fax: 39-6-33170973 Vai al sito


Italica is a Rai International production. The material displayed on this site is protected by copyright and is available for informative purposes only