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Pricing for Metal Embossing on Metal Tags
This page is being created to give an approximation to cost of embossing on metal tags. Where this will work in most cases, excessive copy will require extra charges. This is for embossing on all metal tags shown on our individual pages with the exception of round metal tags which we can not emboss. Embossing is like the raised name and account number on a credit card. The embosser used for our printing is in the same style but slightly larger than a name on a credit card. The size is 5/32". Unlike a typewriter spacing, an embosser uses different widths for each character so it is impossible to create a spacing chart which can be used. Therefore the approximate cost per tag is as follows. We reserve the right to revise this pricing if necessary due to excess copy. Pricing per tag for a normal amount of copy. Sequential numbering included if needed. Pricing includes the set-ups involved. Add the cost of the metal tags to these costs for total pricing.
Production Time: 2-3 Weeks Setup Charge: Included Excessive Copy Charge: Submit Layout and Call for Quote Logo Charge: Not Available at this Time Other Types of Imprinting: Not Available at this Time CSV Files for Variable Information: We can use an ASCII Comma Delimited File which can be submitted to us via the Internet.
Click Here to Return to Metal Tags Call today Toll Free 800 203-4255 Phone 314 770-1555 Fax 314 770-9833 email: info@compucardinc.com Call Today and Order your Embossed Metal Tags Talk with terrific people who are waiting to assist you!! |
MasterCard, Visa and American Express, accepted
Compucard, Inc. 4175 Shoreline Drive, Earth City (St. Louis) MO 63045 Toll Free 800 203-4255 Phone 314 770-1555 Fax 314 770-9833 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. C.S.T. - Monday - Friday |