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Quote from "Edge of Seventeen" by Stevie Nicks, the Goddess of Rock

Free Witchcraft Spells, Wicca/Wiccan Spells, Love Spells and more!

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I have added a Psychic Readings page with links to popular psychics and intuitives, tarot readers, etc. There is also an article that explains why psychic readers charge money for their services. This will help you feel better about having to pay a psychic for her time and energy she has spent on you. The links on the page will take you to some of the highly recommended psychics that are available. Visit several and compare them to see which is right for you.

NEW! I've added a bunch of new free readings to the Free Tarot Readings page. You can chose from Numerology, Tarot, Runes, Profile, Biorhythm, I-Ching, Yes/No Question, and more! Enjoy!

If you know of something pagan/witchcraft related that would be good to add to the site, please feel free to tell me about it. This site is totally designed and ran by one person (me) and I appreciate your feedback. Sometimes I get some good ideas from you guys, such as the new Moon Phases page I added. There are many new articles as well which are very educational and entertaining. Sign the guestbook if you have ideas for the site, but please actually look around the site before you write to me so you'll know what is already here.

Check out the Witchcraft and Pagan Products page. I also have recommended Witchcraft books and Metaphysical or New Age books from I have tons of free spells on the Book of Shadows page. You can find the free love spells you need on the Love Spells page.

Click here if you would like to link to this site from yours.

Funny Stuff !! - Check out some of the dumb emails I've received from people and the advice I have for those of you who are looking for my email address right now. (My email address is on that page as well.) I think I'll actually start a page of the nice and complimentary emails I have received, more to make me feel better than anything, but you are certainly welcome to read them if you have nothing better to do. Here they are: Nice Emails

Visit the the Witchcraft Message Board, if you're into that sort of thing. ;)

Now offering Personal Astrology Charts for only $5 by my good friend Chris, who is offering this great low price for visitors of this site. My own testimonial is on the page. I highly recommend these readings. PayPal accepted.

Psychics - Psychic Readers - Psychic Love Readings

Psychics can help you solve problems in your life. A good psychic reading can help guide you in big decisions or everyday issues. Get references on psychics before using them. There are many real psychics in this world who really want to help you, but there are, of course, some who are not on the up-and-up. If a psychic tells you there a curse on you, you need to find a new psychic. That is the oldest psychic trick in the book, dating back centuries, but yet I still get emails from people who tell me that a psychic told them there is curse on them. Of course, you must pay the psychic to lift the curse. Don't fall for that. Go to psychics for guidance and help. Go to a professional witch for help with curses and spells. There are some really great ones out there. You will see links to them throughout my site, such as the ones below (maybe). Bookmark this page in case you leave and want to come back later.

There are also free computerized tarot and runes readings on this site. They are obviously not going to be as good as a paid reading from a real psychic, but it's fun to play around with. Free Tarot Readings.

A summary of my site:

Free Love Spells and Witchcraft Spells

Some of the things you may want to see on my site include My Exotic Vacations, which are pictures and descriptions of me on all my many exotic travels. You might get a kick out of that. There is also my Stevie Nicks page, which ROCKS.

Great Links is a page of generally great links. There are many different kinds of links here, many of them are about spiritual and pagan and psychic stuff, but some of them are for free graphics and other cool things.

If you like to laugh, then check out the Funny Links page. Some of that stuff gets me rolling on the floor.

Don't forget to get your Free Tarot Readings while you're here. I'm not a psychic, and I won't actually be reading for you, so don't get too excited. Just visit the page and you'll see how it works.

If you're interested to know how my husband feels about me, check out his Poetry to ME page. If you would rather know how I feel about my husband, you can read My Great Husband, a rambling I wrote about Ron.

Last, but not least, there are my Ramblings. These are not the kind of sappy poetry you get on most sites. It's kind of like me typing in a diary of sorts. There is no poetry there. I can write about some crazy stuff, so be warned before you visit that page. I have also added a Blog, which is not on this site, but is helping promote this site and my other sites. It's a personal diary as well. That link opens in a new window. All the links that take you OFF of this web site will open in a new window, with the exception of the Google Ads. I don't know how to do it with those.

The Lucky Number 7.
Guaranteed-to-work spells for love, luck, money, and all other needs.

Good day to you. Don't forget to visit Heather's Web Design for your web design and hosting needs. In case you forgot, lol, there are free love spells here.

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Last Updated Saturday, September 10, 2005.

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