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My Ramblings

This is my highly recommended and award-winning "ramblings" section. It's like an amusement park. As soon as I finish making my "award" banner, I'll be sure to post it here for all to see. :)

As usual, ideas, comments, and questions are welcome. You can email me at or sign my guestbook.

Warning: These writings are not inspirational or nice. The majority of them are pretty mean and sarcastic (and funny). You've been warned.


The Evolution of My Spiritual Beliefs 01/10/00

Reading Tarot Cards 01/11/00

People in Crisis 01/12/00

The Gimme Game - a rant 01/31/01

Read This 05/03/01

Update 06/13/02

Kids These Days 06/22/02

Ron 09/10/02

Marriage 10/13/02

Stupid Clothes 11/10/02

My Great Husband 01/10/03

Dull Day/New Car 01/21/03

Long Time 09/16/03

Life is Great 03/22/05

Here are various emails I've sent to people that are cute and funny (read: mean and horrible and sarcastic.) I don't just send these to anyone of course. They have to try to scam me first.

Click to read horrible, mean, sarcastic emails I've actually sent to people.

There is much in the Bible against which every instinct of my being rebels, so much that I regret the necessity which has compelled me to read it through from beginning to end. I do not think that the knowledge which I have gained of its history and sources compensates me for the unpleasant details it has forced upon my attention.
-- Helen Keller

Don't click any of these links because they go to the page you're already on. ;) I want more people to visit this page through the search engines, so please ignore me while I write my ramblings and rants and raves here and talk about my blog, my personal writings, my journal, my diary, or whatever you want to call it. By writing words here like blog and like the phrase "personal writings" or maybe perhaps "journal" or even a word such as "diary", it will help the engines know what is on this page, thus attracting more visitors. I would love to ramble some more about my rants and raves, but I think this will do for now. You know, you could also call this a diatribe of sorts, lol.

That is such blatant spamming, it's unbelievable that it will actually work, isn't it? (But it will, trust me.) lol.



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