Teen Dating Quiz - Are they friends or are they dating?
Your teen has a special friend of the opposite sex and you’re wondering if they are dating, or if it is ‘just friends’. Many parents have faced this dilemma with their teenagers and dating. Often the teenagers in the friendship don’t even know themselves. Well, here is a quick ten question quiz that can help you sort it out.
Five Truths about Your Teen and Dating
Teens need to learn many things while traveling through the life stage of adolescence. Help your teen learn about dating by knowing these five truths.
Preteens and Dating?
A Do's and Don'ts list of what to allow when your preteenager wants to start dating someone.
Teen Dating Tips - Introductions
Dating tips for parents and teens. How to act when being introduced to the person your teen is dating.
Teen Dating Tips - Learning to Say 'No.'
When your teen is dating, it is important that he/she has the ability to say 'no' to unwanted advances.