a la mode started as the dominant real estate software company providing tools for real estate appraisers in North America 20 years ago. Today, over 50 percent of all appraisers use our WinTOTAL software more than three times the share of our closest competitor. Thousands of appraisers also use our XSite real estate websites to attract lender clients and receive electronic appraisal orders. And millions of appraisals pass through our net.X servers each month, headed to lenders, government agencies, real estate brokers, real estate agents, and others in the industry. As a result, we're "mission critical" to the entire mortgage sector.
central hub role naturally pulled us into the other real estate software and
mortgage sectors. Now we're also a vital business partner providing real estate
software and mortgage transaction technology for lenders (tens of thousands use
our XSites Network, formerly the Mercury Network). Likewise, our Mortgage
XSites, Agent XSites and Inspector XSites real estate websites have taken the
mortgage, real estate sales and inspection industries by storm.
Though we're a large company, we're privately held and remarkably free of the corporate stupidity we see all too often around us. We enjoy this business, we enjoy winning, and we enjoy sharing that with our clients. Join us and see it for yourself.
Just choose one of our products or services below for more information: