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Procris Procris was the daughter of the Athenian king Erechtheus and the wife of the hero Cephalus (Kefalos). The ancient authors are giving us a romantic story with a tragic ending about this ...
Brauron Brauron, in the ancient times called Vrauron, situated on the east coast of Attica, was one of the oldest sacred-places in Greece, where the goddess of nature and the protector of fertility ...
Jetaita An earth-spirit who is feared by the Yamana of Tierra del Fuego. He is believed to be present during initiation ceremonies in the cult-house, represented by a man painted red and white.
san phra phum 'House of spirits.' Spirit houses are found at every Thai house. They are for the spirit of the land, to calm it and assure good blessing for the owner. The size of the spirit house is ...
Nang Kwak A spirit that is believed to bring money into the household. The spirit is represented as a woman in traditional Thai attire sitting on her knees, with her right hand up and making the ...
Ton Mai Ton Mai, or phi Ton Mai, are spirits that reside in trees. There are two classes: benevolent and malevolent ones. Throughout Thailand trees are wrapped with cloth, particularly near ...
Phajanak A mythical snake said to inhabit the Mekong River in Thailand. Thai and Lao people living near the Mekong River avoid swimming in its waters because it is believed that the Phajanak will ...
Tai Hong In Thailand, the spirits of those who have died violent deaths and they are among the most feared. The most powerful of these is the phi Tai Hong Tong Klom, the spirit of a pregnant woman ...
Krasue A female ghost from Thai folklore of whom only her head and intestines are intact. She hovers around remote villages, proudly displaying her blood-stained teeth.
Mae Nak In Thai folklore, a beautiful young woman from the Phrakhanong district who married a man called Tid Mak. While she was pregnant of their first child, he was called to join the army in the ...
Cayster The god of the river by the same name in Lydia. His son is Ephesus.
Ephesus The son of the river-god Cayster. He gave his name to the city Ephesus in Ionian Asia Minor.
Carian naiads The naiads, or water-nymphs, of the springs and rivers of Caria in southwest Asia Minor. They are the sisters of Salmacis and the hunting companions of Artemis.
Samosian nymphs Two nymphs of the island of Samos who were loved by Poseidon. The sea-god had come to the island at a time when it was uninhabited and lay with the nymphs. When the first one was in labor ...
Hermus The god of the River Hermus in Lydia. He is a son of Oceanus and Tethys.