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The Wacky Witch's Blog

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Friday, August 19, 2005

I was just watching Dateline. Remember when they had that story a while back about little girls in Cambodia, as young as 5 years old, who were being prostituted for sex, mostly to tourists from America and other countries? Well, they had an update on that tonight. A guy named Donald Baker from Canada was found to be one of those tourists and he had made videotape of himself fucking at least four of these children. He also had videotape of him raping three women in British Columbia, Canada. He apparently liked to beat and torture them too. Now, you would think, with there being actual VIDEOTAPE of all this, and the fact that the police were able to match Donald's videotapes up with the videotapes Dateline had made (same girls, same places) that he would get the ultimate punishment, right? The detectives even told Dateline, "It was an airtight case." This guy got seven years for his crimes. SEVEN YEARS! Stay away from the man in this picture. He'll be out of prison and raping and torturing women and little girls in probably LESS than seven years if he gets out early for good behavior. If women ruled the world, this dickhead would be in prison for life. What the hell is wrong with people? Why would you let someone plea bargain their case when you have an "airtight" case? I really don't get it.

Quoted from Vancouver Police Department:

"Members of the Sexual Offence Squad viewed the contents of the videotape, which revealed many disturbing images involving the degradation and infliction of pain to a number of local sex trade workers.
Those tapes have now been viewed by members of the Sexual Offence Squad and have led to the discovery of many more disturbing images, depicting not only the degradation of additional sex trade workers, but also the infliction of what can only best be described as "extreme violence" to a large number of local sex trade workers.
Chief Jamie Graham said, "I can tell you that in the 25 years that I have been in policing, these are by far the most disturbing images I have ever viewed and this investigation has had a huge emotional impact on all of the investigators assigned."

51 prostitues in BC accused him of committing "sadistic sexual assualts" on them. 10 YEARS???

Here are some links if you want to read more and get the gory details and try to figure out why in the hell he is only serving 7 years. He was actually sentenced to 10 years, but it's seven years when you count time-served. He will be eligible for parole after serving 1/6 of his 7 remaining years. According to the Globe, Bakker's own videotapes of his crimes were "so disturbingly violent that seasoned police investigators needed counseling."

Can you believe this shit?

Canadian Sex Tourist Gets 10 Years
Dateline NBC Article - How Dateline Helped Put a Predator in Jail
Well, according to Rev. Gene Robinson, an Episcopal bishop in New Hampshire, Jesus may have preferred a cute MALE ass. Yes, that's right folks. Jesus is gay. So, gay Christian people, you have no need to stay in the closet. Come on out and worship with the rest of us!

Rev. Robinson told his congregation that, "Interestingly enough, in this day of traditional family values, this man that we follow was single, as far as we know, traveled with a bunch of men, had a disciple who was known as 'the one whom Jesus loved' and said my family is not my mother and father, my family is those who do the will of God. None of us likes those harsh words. That's who Jesus is, that's who he was at heart, in his earthly life."

Well, how do you like that? You probably don't, I'm guessing. Even witches usually have some fairly strong feelings about Jesus because most of them were raised as Christians. I personally don't care whether he was gay or not, but I do think it would be pretty funny if some evidence showed up that he was gay. Wouldn't that turn the church upside-down? Yes, it would. Christianity would probably die if that happened because people would be so disillusioned. They are disillusioned already, they just don't know it. Some Christians showed up at my door the other day. They knocked. And knocked. And knocked. And Ron and I just kept typing at our computers, ignoring them, of course. I figured they were Mormons because of their suits, but I didn't see any bicycles. They actually had a crappy little car and turned out to be Baptists. They left a tract on the door. I guess they thought we might be recyclers and could recycle their piece of trash, but we don't recycle, so it just went in the trash with the rest of the garbage. I tried to leave them an interesting anti-Christianity article on the door in case they came back, but it looked like they had left the neighborhood (good!) so I took it back down.

People, I can't stay here and entertain you all freaking day. I have things to do and people to see! Well, okay, I don't have people to see, but I do have some things to do actually. I went shopping yesterday. YAY! I got the new Britney Spears perfume, "Curious". It's niiiiice. Now, I smell like Britney - cigarette smoke mixed with Curious. :) Yummy! I bought so much makeup from Elizabeth Arden that I qualified for TWO free gifts! That was awesome. Maybe I'll give one away to a friend (yeah, right!) And I got a bunch of other cool, new stuff that I LOVE.

Later gators!