Quoted from Vancouver Police Department:
"Members of the Sexual Offence Squad viewed the contents of the videotape, which revealed many disturbing images involving the degradation and infliction of pain to a number of local sex trade workers.
Those tapes have now been viewed by members of the Sexual Offence Squad and have led to the discovery of many more disturbing images, depicting not only the degradation of additional sex trade workers, but also the infliction of what can only best be described as "extreme violence" to a large number of local sex trade workers.
Chief Jamie Graham said, "I can tell you that in the 25 years that I have been in policing, these are by far the most disturbing images I have ever viewed and this investigation has had a huge emotional impact on all of the investigators assigned."
51 prostitues in BC accused him of committing "sadistic sexual assualts" on them. 10 YEARS???
Here are some links if you want to read more and get the gory details and try to figure out why in the hell he is only serving 7 years. He was actually sentenced to 10 years, but it's seven years when you count time-served. He will be eligible for parole after serving 1/6 of his 7 remaining years. According to the Globe, Bakker's own videotapes of his crimes were "so disturbingly violent that seasoned police investigators needed counseling."
Can you believe this shit?
Canadian Sex Tourist Gets 10 Years
Dateline NBC Article - How Dateline Helped Put a Predator in Jail