Best Place To Play Omaha Poker Online: PARTY POKER
Omaha Poker is quite similar to Texas Holdem Poker in that both games use 5 community cards to build their best poker hand. The difference is that each player is first dealt 4 cards face down. These cards are also referred to as the "Hole Cards". Each player must then make their best possible 5 card poker hand using 2 of their own hole cards and 3 community cards.
The play begins with the appointment of the dealer. This is signified by a dealer disc or button. The big and small blind antes are placed by the prospective players and the game begins.
The dealer then deals each player 4 face down cards or Hole Cards. The first round of betting begins based on each players beginning hole cards.
After completing the first round of betting the 3 community cards are dealt face up on the centre of the table. At this point players should be able to see their best poker hand coming together. If you are not holding a high pair or a possible flush or straight it is probably best at this point to fold. Another round of betting ensues with each player having the opportunity to raise the bet, check a bet or fold their hands.
The dealer now places the 4th community card face up on the centre of the table; this card is referred to as the "Turn" card. By now you should be holding what you think to be your best possible poker hand, or you are awaiting the fate of the final community card which typically isn't a good idea in a high stakes hand! The next round of betting begins with each player left in the game having the opportunity to raise the bet, check the bet or fold their hands. This round of betting is usually double the original betting amount.
Finally after the betting round is completed the final community card is dealt face up, this card is referred to as the "River Card". Many hands have died on the river! The last and final betting round begins with bets double the original betting amount. At this point the final few remaining players may check the bet, raise the bet or fold.
The final showdown begins after all the bets are placed. The remaining players show their best poker hand which must consist of 2 of their own "hole cards" and 3 of the "community cards". Winner takes all!
Omaha Hi/LO
All the Omaha Poker rules apply to Omaha Hi/LO except that a player may use any combination of 2 of their own hole cards and 3 community cards for high hand and another or same combination of 2 hole cards and 3 board cards for the lowest possible poker hand.
In 8 or better Omaha a qualifier of 8 or better for low applies to all high/Lo split games. If there is no qualifying hand then the best highest hand wins the whole pot.

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