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Arctic Blast 2001

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Arctic Sunset on last years training trip
72 dpi,20 bytes
300 dpi,189 bytes

Polar Husky Peto
72 dpi, 50 bytes
300 dpi, 139 bytes

Sawing up Dinner!
72 dpi, 38 bytes
300 dpi, 248 bytes

72 dpi, 30 bytes

Storm day
72 dpi,
300 dpi,

Inuit Kids
72 dpi, 50 bytes

Polar Bear
72 dpi, 45 bytes
300 dpi, 163 bytes

Spank the Boss
72 dpi, 45 bytes
300 dpi, 163 bytes

Treeless Tundra
72 dpi,30
300 dpi,293

Inuit Games
72 dpi, 47

Spring Camp
72 dpi,31bytes

Happy Dogs!
72 dpi, 

Tent Think Pad
72 dpi, 16 bytes

Lunch Break!
72 dpi, 16 bytes

White Out
72 dpi, 16 bytes

Nomads Adventure & Education reserve and solely own all rights to any and all of the images above. Permission is granted for promotional usage and purpose in conjunction with Arctic Blast 2001, until July 1st. 2001.
Any other reproduction in any form or media is unlawful.

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NOMADS Adventure & Education

40 Franks Way
Grand Marais, MN 55604 USA

Toll free 1 888 753 5629
P: + 218 387 1411
F: + 218 387 1412

© Photos copyright by
Gordon Wiltsie, Paul Pregont, Henrik Larsen


Copyright 2000 - 2001 NOMADS Adventure & Education, Inc. 
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