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Arctic Blast 2001

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Let us know how Arctic Blast 2001 impacts you!

As the expedition unfolds, we would like to feature all of you out there -- actually LEARNING. Catch glimpses of the Arctic Blast education program in action! E-mail, or snail mail us your stories , learning moments, laughs, and images.

So you are Trekking with Polar Huskies...Track the progress of other schools. Send us your paw by paw progress. Make a poster, draw a picture, write a story about where to your school "trekked." In short: Participate - Consider this space yours to fill!!
Communication is an important part of being a successful team member. Do your part and keep the "lines" open. Write Paul and Mille today! 

If just the thought of clicking through 2,500 miles of arctic travel is wearing you out Sign up for the Arctic Blast Newsletter and receive a short E-Newsletter every 3 to 4 weeks. Get the low down on the latest trail and classroom developments.

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Grand Marais, MN 55604 USA

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© Photos copyright by
Gordon Wiltsie, Paul Pregont, Henrik Larsen


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