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Welcome to the U.S. Government's Sustainable Development Partnerships Web Site
This site provides information on U.S. efforts to work with other governments, the private sector, civil society and other organizations to plan and implement voluntary partnerships that promote economic growth, social development and environmental stewardship.

UN logo

U.S. Activities on Sustainable Consumption and Production
September 2, 2005: Public-private partnerships are at the core of a wide range of U.S. efforts to promote cleaner and more environmentally sound use of resources in ways that grow economies and create jobs. At the Second International Experts Meeting on Sustainable Consumption and Production, U.S. government experts will highlight a number of innovative programs and activities. Click here for full compilation.

My Community, Our Earth Partnership logo

My Community, Our Earth Partnership
June 1, 2005 – The My Community, Our Earth Partnership selected three recipients of its top award for youth projects that address economic, social and environmental issues. The award winning projects from primary, secondary and college age youth examined sustainable development issues facing their communities, considering the ramifications of the challenge and its solution at local, state and global levels. The highest scoring project from primary and middle schools explored public transportation in Kingston, Jamaica. The secondary school winner, also from Jamaica, created a hazard map based upon a risk analysis of areas prone to severe flooding. A student in Houston, Texas submitted the winning project in the college and university age category. That project examined air quality and environmental justice. The prizes included a GPS, GIS software, digital cameras and geographic educational materials. The winners were selected from 55 submissions involving approximately 200 youth from around the world. (For more information please visit: More

SEED Initiative logo

Seed Award Winners Announced
April 20, 2005 - Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs, gave opening remarks at the inaugural awards ceremony for the Supporting Entrepreneurs for Environment and Development (Seed) Initiative. Dobriansky praised the five award winners for their efforts to improve the quality of people’s lives in the developing world by delivering needed services such as clean water and teaching environmentally friendly farming techniques.

The Under Secretary said that, "Partnerships, such as Seed, are vital to helping local communities improve the quality of their citizens' lives and can make an important contribution to our efforts to achieve development goals. The five winners exemplify the fresh new approach to sustainable development launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Step by step, public-private partnerships such as these are having tangible results as we work globally to alleviate poverty.” For more information, please see: or More

logo of the UN -- globe with countries surrounded by olive branches

Website for U.S. Delegation to UN CSD-13
The U.S. Delegation to the 13th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development now has a  Website that is updated as material related to CSD-13 becomes available.

Logo for 2nd International Forum on Partnerships for Sustainable Development in Marrakech, Morocco, March 21-23.

Government of Morocco Hosts 2nd International Partnerships Forum
March 23, 2005 – Over 400 participants from 61 countries and 14 international organizations attended the March 21-23 2nd International Forum on Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Advancing Implementation on Water and Energy in Marrakech, Morocco. Hosted by the Moroccan Ministry of Territory Planning, Water and Environment (MATEE), in cooperation with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), the Forum advanced sustainable development implementation by strengthening and fostering water and energy related partnerships. More info:  Forum website; IISD coverage.

Photo of Assistant Secretary John F. Turner

Assistant Secretary Turner Highlights Importance of Partnerships
March 21, 2005 – Addressing the 2nd International Forum on Partnerships for Sustainable Development in Marrakech, Morocco , Assistant Secretary of State John F. Turner highlighted how partnerships “provide a critical link between internationally agreed development goals and the on-the-ground ideas, efforts, and resources of governments, civil society, and the private sector. For more information about the Forum and links to other presentations, please visit More


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