The Wayback Machine -
National Library of Australia

How to update your libraries details

  1. Find your library’s entry on the Gateway
  2. Login to update
  3. Forgotten or lost passwords
  4. Confirm the details are correct

Online update forms

  1. General Information*
  2. Related Organisation*
  3. Collection Details
  4. Subject Collecting information
  5. Online services
  6. Z39.50 access
  7. Contact details for ALG updating
  8. Change password

How to update your library's details

ALG Administration encourages all libraries to ensure that the information about their library on the Gateway is accurate and up-to-date. It should only take minutes to check and update the information about your Library.


Find your library entry on the Gateway

  The first step in updating your library's Gateway entry is to find out what information is currently held in the database.


Login to update

The [Edit this record] link at the top of the library entry on the Gateway, takes you to a login screen for online update. You will be asked to provide a password before proceeding any further.


Forgotten, lost or want to change your password?

Email requesting your ALG password and ALG Administration can tell you what the password is and/or reset it for you. Due to security reasons we would not give away forgotten or lost passwords on phone.


Confirm your details are correct.

If you find in the library display that the information is current and there is no need to update the information, click on the [Confirm details are correct] button on the top of the page. You will be asked for the password. Copy paste the password for your libary, provided by ALG administration, then click on [Login] button. The updated date will be shown and a message, "Your library details have been marked as correct' will appear on the screen. This will confirm that the details are correct. If you are unsure of your password or would like any further assistance, please contact ALG administration at 1800 026 155 or


Online update forms

Because the Australian Libraries Gateway aims to provide users with a wide range of information about your library, collections and services, information is gathered through online update forms. This should make it easier for you to update information about your library as you won't necessarily want to change all your details at any one time.

From the summary details of your search, select the red [More Details] link to view the full directory details for your library. Please check if the details If the details are correct click on [Confirm Details are correct]. If any of the pages needs updating, enter in the password, select the page you need to update and click [Edit this page] button provided.

It is mandatory to enter [General information] page and [Related organisation] page and check the details, update if necessary and click on [Submit updated details]. This is necessary to ensure that the general details of the library has been checked and confirmed are correct. We would encourage you to do this as this helps to keep the directory listings in ALG accurate and recent therefore proving useful for other users wanting to contact your library.

 Before updating any first online form, please enter in your password. Online forms provided are as follows.

  1. General Information*
  2. Related Organisation*
  3. Collection Details
  4. Subject Collecting information
  5. Online services
  6. Z39.50 access
  7. Contact details for ALG updating
  8. Change password

 * General Information and Related Organisation pages are mandatory pages that needs updating.

If you cannot use the online forms, you may download and print our form, complete it and send to ALG Administration to update your entry for you. If you can't download and print the form, telephone 1800 026155 and we'll post a copy to you.

Update Tips


1.  General Information

 The 'General information' update form gathers basic directory information about your library

Update Tips


Explanation of the term


Library’s Official name

Provide a more unique name than just a “Library”

Madison Campus Library

URL of the Library

Include the Library’s full internet address

National Union Catalogue (NUC)

NUCs are unique library identifiers – not all libraries have one

Contact the Interlibrary Resource Sharing (ILRS) directory at , to apply for a new NUC for your library.

Email to correct information/add a NUC within ALG.

NB* Users of Kinetica Web and Libraries Australia are able to link directly from holdings information to your ALG entry via NUC symbol.

ANL is the NUC for the National Library of Australia.

Acronyms and abbreviations

Include any acronyms and abbreviated names used for your Library or Parent organisation/s. Please separate each term with a space and a semicolon.


Former names

Include any other names which a user may choose to search on to find your library.

Please separate each term with a space and a semicolon.

Wodonga Institute of TAFE ; Latrobe

Other names

Include any other names which a user may choose to search on to find your library.

Please separate each term with a space and a semicolon.

Queensland State Library ; James Hardie Library of Australian Fine Arts ; James Hardie Library ; Hardie Library ; John Oxley Library ; John Oxley Library of Queensland History


If your library or Parent organisation has a logo on the internet and you would like to have it displayed within your ALG record, include the URL here.

State Library of Queensland Logo - This is the URL provided by State Library of Queensland (in this field) for thier ALG directory listing.

Library Type

Click on the box that appropriately describes the type of your library

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.

All school libraries have the Library Type of: School (K-12)

Street Address

Provide your street address and if you have a map on the internet showing your library location, insert the full URL of your location map.

Consider using services such as the Wheris Street Atlas, if you do not have a map on your own website.

Also provide the street address in the relevant fields.

Mailing address

If your address is same as the street address provided, select the box next to it. Alternatively you can provide a separate mailing address.

Email to add another country to this list.


Telephone, facsimile, email and DX numbers:

General Telephone numbers

Provide a general contact telephone number .

Please include the area code for dialling in the form

02 6123 4567

Mobile telephone number

If you would like to provide a mobile telephone number for your library, you could provide one.


Toll-free telephone number

If your library has a toll-free number you can provide it.


Telephone typewriter number (TTY)

If your library has a TTY number, you could provide it

  008 026 372

General Facsimile number

Provide a facsimile number and please include the area code for dialling in the form

02 6123 4567

General email address

Provide the general email address for the library.

Document exchange (DX) number

Provide a DX number if applicable


Australian Business Number

If you wish to provide the ABN No.


Further contact details

Provide additional contact details  for the library


Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.

General email address of the library OR

Email address of the manager



The 'Related organisations' update form is used to show the relationships between your library and other libraries and organisations. Libraries often have relationships with other libraries. Some of these relationships are set up the ALG Directory Administration team when you request an ALG entry. Others can be set up and maintained using this form.

Definitions :

Parent Organisation - May be a main library or may be a non-library organisation, or the names of the organisations by which your library is jointly administered.


Explanation of the term


Administrative relationships

A library may be a part of another organisation which may or may not be a library- Parent Organisation. These are set up by the ALG Directory Administration team when a request is made to an ALG entry.

Libraries which have the same parent organisation as your library can be added.

To change/add an administrative relationship you will need to send an email to ALG Directory Administration team at or phone 1800 026 155

Parent Organisation : Riverina Institute of TAFE

Branch/ related libraries :Griffith Campus Library ; Tumut Campus Library


Many libraries are members of professional consortia, networks and associations. This section of the form allows you to specify which professional associations, networks or consortia your library belongs to.

To add a membership, select an organisation in the left hand box and click the [Select] button to add it to the right hand box. To remove a membership, select an organisation in the right hand box and click the [Remove] button. When the right hand box displays the correct organisations, click the [Submit these updated details] button at the bottom of the form to save the changes.

Click on [RESET] button to clear any changes you may have made to branch/related libraries.

If you need to add another organisation to the list provided, please send an email to the ALG Directory Administration team at or phone 1800 026 155

Your memberships :



Link to your library “Friends”

You may also use this form to include a link to your Library's friends organisation

Provide the URL of your  library’s “friends” organisation if they have a web presence

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.



The 'Collection details' update form gathers information about how library users can use and access your collections. These details can be especially useful for users preparing to visit your Library as for those who wish to access your catalogue remotely.


Explanation of the term


Catalogue access - Provide details about how users can access your catalogue

URL of your Web Catalogue

If you offer web access to your library catalogue, provide the URL

URL of your Telnet Catalogue

Login to your Telnet Catalogue

If you offer telnet access, please provide the URL address.

Provide any login instructions which can include login and password details


No login required or

Login : libnetti
Password : libnetti

Dial-up catalogue -instructions on how to connect


Include details on how users can connect to the dial-up catalogue

If you offer dial-up catalogue, please provide the URL address.


No login required

URL of your ‘FAQ’ or ‘read me’ page - information about using your catalogue

If you offer access to your library’s Frequently Answered Questions(FAQ) or “Read me” files on how to use the library catalogue, provide the URL

Other  access aids/tools/guides/finding aids

Please describe any other tools, guides or other finding aids to the collection which may be available

Card catalogue, local online system, microfiche

Library System in use

Please provide the name of the automated library system in use. This information can be useful to patrons planning to visit your library and/or using your catalogue remotely.

Dynix, InMagic or Unicorn

Classification Scheme in use

Provide the Classification scheme/s that is used within your library

Dewey Decimal Classification, Moys (Law), Universal Decimal Classification

Library opening hours

Provide the library opening hours


If you library has web presence detailing the opening hours, provide the URL of the webpage detailing opening hours.

9.00 am – 5.30 p.m


Public Access

Select the type of 'Public Access' that best suits your library.

Open to Public

Any conditions of access

Please indicate any conditions which apply for access to your library. Use free text field


link an URL of the webpage which include such details.

Access by appointment only or Access for Members only.

Other comments

You may wish to include details of some facilities or services offered, contact names, recent changes etc. These comments will be searchable within the Gateway’s Advanced Search option and will be displayed at the end of your library’s entry.

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.

The Charles Darwin University library is a joint use / VET library.



 This form allows Australian libraries to:

The 'Advanced search' option allows users to search comments assigned to each of the ALG subjects by an ALG library. There are 24 broad subjects which are then sub-divided into approximately 250 subjects. Libraries interested in using a third layer of specific subjects to describe their collection should email with details.

The following resources may be useful to libraries interested in learning more about collection assessment:



Explanation of the term


Select a subject

Users of the Gateway may 'Search collections by subject' when libraries have done a collection assessment. Appropriately the Library collection level will change in the next drop down menu.


Define your Library’s collecting level

Users of the Gateway may 'Search collections by subject' when libraries have done a collection assessment and assign subject collecting levels to their ALG entries.

Depending on the selection made in ‘Select a subject’, you can define the subject one level further.

To add or modify a collecting level (please read the definitions for the ALG collecting levels, first)

To define your library's collecting level choose from the drop down list that includes: No details provided; Nothing in this category; Minimal; Basic; Advanced Basic; Study - Basic; Study - Intermediate; Study - Advanced and Research. This collecting level will then display next to the selected subject.

Horticulture and Gardening [Basic]


You can provide supplementary comments about your collection for each subject in the space provided. These will be searchable through the ‘Advanced Search’ option.

A United Nations depository library.

Collection Highlights

Provide details to highlight  additional information about your Library’s collection, (limit of 500 characters). These will be searchable through the ‘Advanced search’ option.

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.

Strong collections which only make up a portion of a subject; chronological or geographic strengths; specialised collections; holdings of unique materials; or relative strengths in Australiana.


You could use this field to indicate geographic or chronological exclusions from the collection, or gaps in acquisitions over a particular period by the Library.



ALG includes useful resources for librarians preparing a collection development policy as well as a place for you to include details of your digitisation projects. 'Online services' update form gathers information for users about your remote as well as local online facilities and services (if applicable). Links to online editions of policy documents can be provided.

 Update Tip


Explanation of the term


Online image collection

If your library has an online image collection, please provide the URL for it.

Policy documents

Annual Reports

If your library provides details of Annual reports online, provide the link for it.

Digitisation policy

If your library provides details of any digitisation policy, please provide the URL link to it.

Digitisation projects

If your library provides details of any digitisation projects, please provide the URL link to it.

ILL/Document supply policy

If your library participates in the ILL or Document supply and the details are available online , you could provide a URL link to it.

URL of Preservation policy

If your library provides details about your preservation policy online, you can provide an URL for it.

URL of Strategic Plan

If your library provides details of the Strategic plan online, provide the link for it.

Online services provided

URL of your online exhibitions

Provide a URL of the library web page that details online exhibitions or displays that your library would wish to promote.

URL of reference enquiry services

If your library provides online reference enquiry service, provide the URL link to it.

You can also use this form to indicate your Library's contribution to and/or involvement with other online directory services - the Register of Australian Archives and Manuscripts (RAAM), national Interlibrary Resource Sharing (ILRS) Directory, Directory of Z39.50 Targets in Australia, the Australian National Bibliographic Database (ANBD) (via the KiNETICA service - including the percentage of your holdings (maximum value of 100%) and/or number of bibliographic records on the NBD), or the Australian Bureau of Statistic (ABS) Library Extension Program(LEP).

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.


6.  Z39.50 ACCESS

The Z39.50 access update form gathers details required to log in to your online catalogue. It is useful for library clients to be able to check the availability of collection items prior to visiting the library.  


Explanation of the term


Is information about access to your Z39.50 server/s available on your library's website, then please select appropriately. . If you have selected Yes, then please provide the URL of the library webpage

Contact Information –

Provide details of your catalogue manager for the library. These details are listed in the Directory of Z39.50 Targets in Australia for other users to access.  
Given name

Provide the given name of the catalogue manager.


Family name

Provide the family name of the catalogue manager.



Provide the title of the catalogue manager.

Librarian – Cataloguing


Provide a phone number for other users to contact the library regarding Z39.50 access. It may or may not be the phone number of the catalogue manager.

Please include the area code for dialling in the form

02 6123 4567


Provide the facsimile number for other users to contact your library regarding Z39.50 access.

Please include the area code for dialling in the form

02 6123 4567


Provide the email address for other users to contact your library regarding Z39.50 access. It may or may not be the email address of the catalogue manager.

Name/s of catalogue

Provide the name of the catalogue that other users might want to connect to


Database name/s on the server

Provide the database name/s on the server, this is the server's name not the name of the library management system. Voyager

Internet address of server - Please provide the host name and the port of the server.


Provide the host address (domain name) of the library catalogue other users might want to connect


Provide the port of the library catalogue other users might want to connect


Hours of availability

Provide the hours of availability that the catalogue could be accessed via Z39.50

24 hrs

Z39.50 services supported

Provide which of the services are supported by your Z39.50 access. You can select which are applicable.

Explain, Initialization, Present, Search.

Record Syntax supported

Provide the record syntax supported by your Z39.50 access


Searches allowed (Bib-1 attributes)

Provide the details of the search type, use attributes etc. supported by your system.

You could add more attributes to the table by clicking on ‘Add more attributes to table’.

Title, Author, ISBN

Any further information

You could provide any further information that you would like other users to know, that have not been covered.

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.

Initialization Service: No userid or password is required.



These details are recorded for administrative purposes only (ie for when ALG Administration needs to contact you) and is particularly important for large institutions. Your personal details will not be displayed to the public on the Gateway and we really appreciate you keeping this information up-to-date, especially when there are staff changes.   Please help us to help you!  


Explanation of the term


Family name

Provide the family name of the person to be contacted for ALG administrative purposes, if needed


Given name

Provide the given name of the person to be contacted for ALG administrative purposes, if needed


Job Title

Provide the title of the person to be contacted for ALG administrative purposes, if needed


Email address

Provide the email address of the person to be contacted for ALG administrative purposes, if needed.

It may or may not be the email address of the librarian in charge

Telephone number

Provide ALG administration team with a phone number  of  a contact person.

Please include the area code for dialling in the form

02 6123 4567

Other notes/comments

This can include details which would be helpful for ALG administration. You can record other useful information as required.

Use the [Submit these updated details] button to update.

Name/Contact details responsible for a particular update form or

Contact person available for contact on Mondays and Tuesdays only.



For security, you may want to change your ALG password. These will be displayed as asterisk (*) and hence would be asked to re-enter the new password to avoid mistyping.   

Update Tip  


Explanation of the term

Enter new password

Enter a new password for your library

Re enter your password

Re enter your password 

Click ‘Change password’ button and  you will receive a message “Your password has been changed”.

Only if you have made a mistake in re-entering your password you will be asked to enter the fields again.


Last modified: September 19 2005.