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TBHA Policy Statements

The Boston Harbor Association is the leading advocacy organization working for a clean, alive, and accessible Boston Harbor. TBHA comments extensively during the environmental permitting process on proposed projects along Boston Harbor to ensure improved water quality as well as to realize public amenities along the waterfront, ranging from public walkways to parks to special destinations along the Harbor.

TBHA's policy statements are carefully developed by TBHA Trustees, TBHA Committees, and staff, with assistance from TBHA members who have technical expertise. The Boston Harbor Association's comments are carefully considered by regulatory agencies, and it is not unusual for regulatory permits to include conditions suggested by TBHA. For a copy of any of the comment letters below or letters from previous years, please call us at (617) 482-1722 or email us at

In the past year, TBHA provided comments on the following projects to ensure a cleaner Harbor and promote additional public amenities along Boston Harbor:

  • Draft Special Conditions for the Algonquin Gas Transmission Company, HubLine Pipeline Project (August 2002)
  • Draft Environmental Impact Report/Project Impact Report for Pier 4 (August 2002)
  • Environmental Notification Form for Midway Project (August 2002)
  • Review of the Environmental Notification Form and Project Notification Form for Russia Wharf Redevelopment (August 2002)
  • Interim Assessment for Quincy Shore Reservation, Wollaston Beach (September 2002)
  • Waterways License Application for Proposed Public Walkway at 160 N. Washington Street (September 2002)
  • Project Impact Report Portside at Pier One/Boston Harbor Shipyard and Marina, East Boston (October 2002)
  • Letter to Boston Redevelopment Authority regarding the draft Amendment to the City of Boston's South Boston Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Plan and the relocation of the Institute of Contemporary Art to the Fan Pier (October 2002)
  • Draft Project Impact Report for Harborview Point, Charlestown Navy Yard (November 2002)
  • Boundary Review of the Mystic River Designated Port Area, Charlestown Shore (November 2002)
  • Notice of Project Change, Channel Center (formerly Midway Project), Fort Point Channel (November 2002)
  • Notice of Project Change, South Station Air Rights Project, Boston (December 2002)
  • Amendment to the City of Boston's South Boston Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Plan (December 2002)
  • Notice of Project Change: Institute of Contemporary Art, Fan Pier (December 2002)
  • Boudreau Boatyard, 479 Meridian Street, East Boston BZC 23200 (December 2002)
  • Waterways Application #W02-0641-N, 500 Atlantic Avenue Building Project, Boston (December 2002)
  • EOEA #12940, Environmental Notification Form, Winthrop Ferry Project, Winthrop (January 2003)
  • Boston Harbor Federal Navigation Channel Maintenance Dredging
    (February 2003)
  • EOEA #12845, Channel Center Single Environmental Impact Report, Boston, (February 2003)
  • Boundary Review of the East Boston Designated Port Area, Boston, MA (February 2003)
  • Environmental Notification Form, Boston Harbor Deep Draft Navigation Improvement Project, Boston (February 2003)
  • Waterways License Application #W02-0675-N, 160 North Washington St. / 131 Beverly St. (February 2003)
  • Notice of Intent, NSTAR Electrical Substation, 500 East First St., South Boston (March 2003)
  • EOEA #12363, Final Environmental Impact Report and Chapter 91 Application for Pier One, East Boston (March 2003)
  • Waterways License Application #W02-0532-N, Lovejoy Wharf Temporary Walkway (April 2003)
  • EOEA #12355, Proposed Notice of Project Change, Everett Extension, Algonquin Gas Transmission Co. (April 2003)
  • Project Notification Form / Environmental Notification Form, Yard's End Research Center (Parcels 6 and 7), Charlestown Navy Yard (April 2003)
  • Proposed improvements to portions of the HarborWalk within the UMass campus (May 2003)
  • EOEA #13013, Carlton Wharf, East Boston (May 2003)
  • Waterways License #1729, Mystic River, Charlestown (May 2003)
  • EOEA #12821, Draft Environmental Impact Report, Russia Wharf Redevelopment, Fort Point Channel, Boston (May 2003)
  • W03-0735-N, Portside at Pier One, East Boston (May 2003)
  • EOEA # 13013, Hodge Boiler Works, East Boston (June 2003)
  • W03-0784-N, Temporary HarborWalk at Lewis Wharf, Boston (July 2003)
  • EOEA #10190, Notice of Project Change, Medford Street Terminal, Boston (July 2003)
  • Fan Pier Interim HarborWalk, South Boston (July 2003)
  • Waterways Application #W03-0794-N, Harborview Point, Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston (July 2003)
  • EOEA #10335, Notice of Project Change – MWRA Fort Point Channel CSO Storage Conduit (August 2003)
  • Waterways Application #W03-0811-N, Carlton Wharf, East Boston (August 2003)
  • EOEA #12556, Draft Environmental Impact Report, Clippership Wharf, Boston (August 2003)



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TBHA Policy Positions
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The Boston Harbor Association   -   374 Congress Street, Suite 609   -   Boston, MA 02210   -   617-482-1722 (P)   -   617-482-9750 (F)   -