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Banking Channels
Credit Card

Banking Channels:

ASIA CyberBanking:

You can gain immediate access to ASIA CyberBanking, our Internet banking service, in 3 simple steps. No long form to fill. You can also reapply if you forgot your user id or password. ...>>

ASIA Phone's T-PIN:

Busy? Prefer to do bank transaction over the phone? You can apply (or re-apply) for your T-PIN (telephone pin) to gain immediate access …>>

Credit Card

Asia Visa Card

Get ASIA VISA card today that loads with discounts, privileges, and valued add services like Verified by Visa additional security when you shop on-line ...>> 

Asia Lady MasterCard

"Really want to relax at the spa-enjoy good services at a good price" "Wouldn't it be nice to get a free exercise equipment to help me lose weight?" "It's near midnight and my car breaks down-help!"
Get ASIA Lady Mastercard, a card that answers the women's needs ...>> 


Asia Housing Loan

"I want to buy new house, but do not have enough money saved." Apply for ASIA Housing today ..>>

Asia Mortgage Links

"All my money was spent on buying the house, but I still want to make other investments - where can I get more money? " Simply apply for ASIA Mortgage Link . It's very easy and convenience ..>>


Investor Alert!

Want to keep up with Bank of Asia's financials? Subscribe for our free service today and you will be alert via e-mail whenever our Investor Relations on the web is updated. …>>

Promotion Alert!

Want to gain full benefit from our new promotion? Just subscribe for Promotion Alert! service and you will be alert via e-mail whenever Bank of Asia offers new promotions. ….>>


Verified by VISA:

Want to enhance your security when you shop on-line with ASIA VISA cards? Activate your card today …>>



Interest in joining our team at Bank of Asia? Please apply here …>>



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