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DIRECTV Satellite TV vs the Cable companies
DIRECTV vs. Cable
"A battle dominated by DIRECTV"
Quick Advantage Directory:
The Value of DIRECTV
Ultimate Sports Experience
Highest Quality Available
The High Definition (HD) Commitment
The Genius of the DIRECTV DVR with TiVo®
International Design
Superior Customer Service
Pay Per View Selection
JD Power and Associates adores DIRECTV:
DIRECTV satellite TV customer satisfaction VS cable. . . cable cannot compare JD Power has awarded DIRECTV the #1 position amongst Cable and Satellite TV providers for customer satisfaction.

American Customer Satisfaction Index loves DIRECTV:
DIRECTV has received 3 consecutive Highest Scores for customer satisfaction mongst Cable and Satellite TV providers.
DIRECTV satellite TV VS the other guys . . . The outcome is clear.
The Advantage of DIRECTV:

Ask a friend how much she enjoys DIRECTV. Likely she'll tell you of all the channels available, the clear 100% digital picture, and the ease of scrolling through the program guide while continuing to watch her current program. The DIRECTV advantage is easily apparent. In comparison to cable DIRECTV offers over 135 100% true digital channels for only $41.99 (Initial room service. Adding additional rooms only cost a few dollars more). Cable cannot offer true digital on all channels. In fact, cable companies only supply "digital" programming for an additional monthly fee to the channels 100 and above. DIRECTV is greatly comprehensive for such a low cost. DIRECTV features : access toexclusive sports programming,premium movie channels , the latest inPay Per View movies and events, 36 commercial-free music stations, plus the well-known and user-friendly

TiVo /Digital Video Recorder(DVR). Unlike competitors you actually own the equipment you receive for FREE when you sign up. You'll gain access to a rapidly expanding selection ofinternational programming. You can rest assured your questions will be handled by a qualified human technician awaiting your questions. Forget automated voice machines who are slowly taking over the switch boards. Call now to speak to a person: 1.888.878.3106 In addition to the above, DIRECTV is making major movements towards delivering the ultimate High Definition experience available.

Cable is the old technology. Cable once once the forefront of evolving technology, now it has fallen behind as bigger and better technology premiers. Although cable has enjoyed a long, successful journey it is now struggling to stay in the game. Any station below a 3 digit number (i.e. 4, 8, 13, 27, 41) is in low resolution, analog signals. These analog signals travel through millions of miles of cable before reaching your TV. Satellite TV, vs cable, sends the signal directly to your home via your dish/antenna. The cable box, wiring and other equipment still belongs to the cable company. Cable takes back their equipment or over charges to compensate for their equipment. In short, cable is inferior in that it actually costs more and delivers much less. Cable companies count on uninformed consumers to continue business. With a little information, a few facts, and a good grasp of the "DIRECTV vs cable" discussion you are armed to make your own educated guess. Give us a call: 1.888.878.3106

Ultimate Sports Programming:
Are you a sports fan? Do you enjoy a good match? No one can touch DIRECTV's line up or exclusives. With DIRECTV satellite TV sports you can gain access to everything you'll want to see this season, all in digital quality. This vs cable sports which are often black-out games or simply not available. DIRECTV is the answer. Simple. No more questions or considerations are necessary. Sign up now and begin enjoying the programming you deserve. Below is a list of available sports programs through DIRECTV (may require upgrades)

DIRECTV satellite TV sports VS Cable TV sportsNFL Sunday Ticket:
Watch every NFL game
MLB Extra Innings:
Watch every MLB game
NBA League Pass:
Watch every NBA game
NHL one the Ice:
Watch every NHL game
ESPN Gameday:
Watch all college basketball and footbal games
Locals Included:
Watch all of your favorite local games

The Satellite Sports Review
All of the above vs blackout games with cable

You may stay up later than necessary to catch a 30 second blurb about the game you really wanted to watch but couldn't because you have cable. You may have wasted hours of your day watching a substitute game instead of your team. You may have looked forward to a game for weeks only to find out it is blackout restricted in your area. Imagine all these situations VS the luxury and choice of satellite TV. You deserve access to the games you want to see. With DIRECTV you have that option. You can now see clearly that with satellite TV VS Cable the advantage is clear. Call us today: 1.888.878.3106
The Quality of DIRECTV:

The quality of DIRECTV is accomplished by sincere dedication to customers. DIRECTV offers all channels in a high quality, 100% digital format. Digital satellite TV means no more signal loss or distortion. The picture is always pure and clean* Looking for something even greater than 100% digital quality? You'll want High Definition TV (HD / HDTV). Also 100% digital quality, HD offers realistic resolution and life-like audio creating superb theatrical experiences every time. DIRECTV truly cares about its customers and has many customer service advantages that are not present with our competition (especially cable). How well do you get along with your cable company? Does it ever feel like its you VS them? Give us a call and lets start a new relationship: 1.888.878.3106

It is difficult to identify actual quality with cable services. The general perception of quality is habit and familiarity since cable has been around and been mich the same for decades. In reality DIRECTV satellite TV has everything you're used to plus much more.Satellite TV is an innovation spurred from the idea of cable but with more option, like the revolutionary DIRECTV DVR with TiVo. Cable attempts to keep customers spreading myths about satellite TV and offering second-rate (instead of cut rate) products like 'On Demand' , a watered down version of a DVR.'On Demand' VS TiVo is a comical match. With the user-friendly interface TiVo offers customers select their favorites and don't settle for the slim choices of 'On Demand'. The nature of cables, VS satellite signals, tends towards widespread, frequent malfunctioning that effect all members as cable passes the cost of frequent repairs on to all customers. It's time to maje a change. It's time for an educated decision. Make the change to DIRECTV. Forget Cable.

*Signal loss occurs less than 1% of the time and is generally caused by catastrophic weather. 1% loss is incredible vs the high rate of cable disturbances.

The World of High Definition (HD):

DIRECTV:Satellite TV quality VS cable TV quality . . . cables going to charge extra. Quality is the standard for satellite TV.
Our society is trending towards the world of High Definition. Major manufacturers and retailers are investing billions, all due to the high demand received from consumers. Most consumers want higher quality, more enjoyable entertainment at affordable rates. DIRECTV has launched the largest HD campaign ever with the launch of their pristine HD satellite This new system is capable of delivering 500+ channels in high definition straight to you. As the "satellite TV VS cable" battle rages on, this is an enormous advantage. DIRECTV offers 100% digital quality with and without HD. If you have an HD TV, and are still subscribing to cable, chances are you aren't as happy as you could be. Don't blame technology, blame cable for slacking. Read below to find out why.

Cable TV offers digital cable, but only on the channels 100 or higher. These are not included in your standard cable and require hefty fees to add so few channels. Cable too offers select HD channels. Though the majority of cable is broadcast as low resolution, analog signal. This tends to cause serious problems with those who own HD televisions. HD TVs must convert analog signals into a digital signal, then present it on screen amplifying the analog imperfections. If you own HD equipment, you need Satellite TV. HD TV with cable can flux in and out of HD while you are watching a program, this is due to the high def recording cameras and their functioning. If what you're watching is live, do not be surprised to shift between analog and high definition with cable. It is a fact, it is common, ir is tremendously noticeable. Plus it is horribly inconsistant regarding picture and sound quality. Cable TV cannot provide the consistency which DIRECTV has already mastered.

The Genius of the DIRECTV DVR with TiVo:

Your life is about to change forever. DIRECTV DVR with TiVo VS cable DVRYou've been hearing about this wonderful little machine nonstop; on the radio, daytime programs, online, even in the office. Owning the DIRECTV DVR with TiVo will give you a potent feeling of liberation. Syndication is no longer a tyranical force running unchecked while dictating our schedules. TiVo puts the power in your hands. With TiVo record any show of your choice, save for as long as you desire, and watch on your time. You can even set TiVo to record whole seasons of your favorite shows. TiVo operates using your TV screen much like a computer monitor only easier to use. Since it is not confusing it is actually a joy for you and your family. You'll never need to miss a show or schedule activities around TV again. That's a breath of fresh air for all of us. Call us: 1.888.878.3106

Cable is attempting to keep its remaining customers by building the perception of 'On Demand'. Which is a fairly confusing statement. It's not really on your demand or even what you demand. It is predetermined programs recorded and offered in a menu for you to select from, often forgetting the better programs in leiu of space fillers. It is easy to recognize the difference right away. If you've experienced 'On Demand' and/or TiVo you already have bared witness to the enormous differences. TiVo allows you to choose what you want, when you want, and keep it as long as you want. 'On Demand' offers none of this.If you're ready to experience the ease of technology at your fingertips, give us a call: 1.888.878.3106 or Order Here.

International Design
Increasing International Programming has been one of DIRECTV's main focuses. DIRECTV currently offers an ample line of International Programming. Sign up for DIRECTV now and choose from the wide variety of programming. Whichever package is tailored to your desires can be added to your programming. Take a look below for International programming options:

DIRECTV PARA TODOS® - The Best En Español
  • More than 45 Spanish-language channels and 210 English-language channels, all 100% digital-quality (includes English-language broadcast channels with alternate Spanish-language audio).

  • Wide range of sports including the best of international soccer.

  • On-screen Spanish-language menus including on-screen program guide in Spanish on select hardware.

  • Spanish- and English-language Customer Service 24/7.


JADEWORLD - Chinese Entertainment

  • Five phenomenal channels – offering drama, film, variety shows, news and kids' programming in Mandarin and Cantonese.

  • Jade East / Jade West – the latest news from Hong Kong, popular TVB dramas, variety and children's shows, entertainment and more.

  • Jadeworld Super Channel – great selection of the best and most popular TVBS, TVBS-N and TVB8 programs plus Taiwanese dramas and variety shows.

  • Jadeworld Movie Channel – outstanding variety of hit blockbusters from action/adventure to comedy to romance and more.

  • CCTV-4 – in-depth programs on history, culture, politics and social issues from mainland China.



  • The Phoenix North American Chinese Channel -- the premiere destination for programming from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Enjoy the latest news and financial updates, plus your favorite drama and variety shows.



  • Para Todas and other Spanish programs limited.
  • Jadeworld not available with cable.
  • Chinese options not available with cable.

Just give us a call and experience the difference: 1.888.878.3106

Superior Customer Service
DIRECTV is and always will be a customer-oriented operation. Against competitors it is clear and obvious that DIRECTV excels in customer satisfaction. DIRECTV offers free professional installation standard as part of your welcome into the DIRECTV family. DIRECTV also offers easy moving options so you wont have to hassle with getting reinstalled days after you've moved. DIRECTV is so much easier than the alternative. DIRECTV offers the DIRECTV MOVERS CONNECTIONTM Take a look below:

Standard Professional Installation and Training:
  • Your DIRECTV® System always includes standard professional installation.

  • DIRECTV® installation is fast, it's friendly, and it's worry-free.

Easy Moving Nationwide:
  • With the DIRECTV® MOVERS CONNECTION™, moving your DIRECTV® service to your new home is easy!
  • Just call DIRECTV prior to your move and set up an install time that's best for you.
Call us to schedule your appointment today: 1.888.878.3106
Pay Per View Movies and Events:
Many people enjoy the ease and access of Pay-per-View. What's better than having the movies, the matches, the fights, and the races you want without having to leave your home. DIRECTV offers extensive channels from 100 -199.

Offers around 40 Pay-per-View channels. Less than half of DIRECTV, which means less than half the choices. Willing to chance missing the one showing available for your program? Of course not. It's a no brainer. Give us a call: 1.888.878.3106
Satellite TV vs Cable: A Review
Searching for better quality TV, an alternative to cable, or more options? Your best bet is DIRECTV for your satellite entertainment. Satellite beats cable in many aspects, hands down. Ask yourself: Digital satellite TV vs outdated, often-fuzzy analog cable? Crystal clear signal vs static and random interference? Exclusive sports vs sports? DIRECTV DVR with Tivo vs a standard DVR? As you can see satellite TV has the upper hand in this battle. When setting satellite TV vs cable, the right choice becomes very apparent.
Quick Advantage Directory:
What else would you like to review?
The Value of DIRECTV
Ultimate Sports Experience
Highest Quality Available
The High Definition (HD) Commitment
The Genius of the DIRECTV DVR with TiVo®
International Design
Superior Customer Service
Pay Per View Selection

You can call us at: 1.888.878.3106

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