If you are going to sign the
guestbook, please actually write something besides your name. "Signing" a
guestbook is not the same as signing your name or a wedding guestbook or
something like that. You are supposed to write something about the web
site in the comments area. Most people know that already, but a lot of
people don't, so I figured I'd tell you so you'll know it and you can sign
other people's guestbooks properly as well. Also, if you don't want to get spammed,
don't put your email address in guestbooks where robots can
pick it up (and they will). But I also can't write you back if you don't
leave your email, so that's a choice you'll have to make. Please know that
I get a LOT of email, so if you are content with just leaving your
comments and not receiving a reply, that is very cool of you and I
appreciate it (just don't leave your address if you don't need a reply.)
Be assured that I do read ALL guestbook entries, even the crummy spam ones
until I realize it's spam and delete it. I don't reply unless you really
need me to or if I have a ton of time to answer emails. Please don't ask
me how to do the particular spells you found on this site. I did NOT write
these spells and I haven't done them. I don't know anymore about it than
you do (okay, I really do, but that's not the point.)
I'm sorry but I have removed
the "Homepage URL field" due to abuse from spammers. I was receiving about
10 spam entries a day, which is a pain in the butt. I changed that line to
"Favorite Part of this website", which you can leave blank if you wish.
I delete all guestbook
entries that are names only so don't waste your time if you have nothing
to say. I DO delete spam entries.

Continue to Guestbook now that you've read all this crap.
Here are my old Guestbooks
in case anyone is an avid guestbook reader, lol. These links take you to
the page where you can read the guestbook, not sign it. Please don't sign
the old guestbooks. They are filled up.
Guestbook 2
Guestbook 3
Guestbook 4
Current Guestbook
Here is a pretty picture you
can have to use as wallpaper just because I'm feeling sweet! Click it to
