| | Business Support
Business success is achieved through business services and corporate responsibility. The Department of State and its U.S. embassies around the world provide effective support to American businesses overseas by identifying opportunities for American firms, advocating on their behalf, and encouraging corporate responsibility.
The State Department annually grants the Award for Corporate Excellence to a company that demonstrates exemplary business practices overseas. As the Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs said, "American corporations abroad ... export not only American products but also American values."
-- Advocacy Guidelines
-- Business Overseas
| | Highlights | 2005 ACE Winners The Secretary of State announced the 2005 ACE winners on November 2 at an awards ceremony at the State Department.
Contractors Association Meets Asst. Secretary Assistant Secretary Wayne's remarks on CAFTA-DR, other issues, to Associated General Contractors of America.
U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity Information on the Good Partner Award program. |