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Albino Igau
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 4
(5/11/05 5:36 pm)

Re: signy sign sign
I, Skye...*(scribble) hereafter known as Idrik Daemonkin (scirbble)...hereby declare I have read and understand the rules and guidelines of Tael'Aen.

And I'm quite looking forward to this!

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen
I'm not that

Posts: 3457
(5/11/05 7:28 pm)


Re: Sign here.
;) You've missed something important to the rules though! Something you should have included in your reply.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Dierdre Moontail
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(5/11/05 9:20 pm)
Re: Signing
I Diedre Moontail swear by Inasnum, that I have read the rules and will abide by them at all costs.

Edited by: Dierdre Moontail at: 5/11/05 9:22 pm
Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen
I'm not that

Posts: 3459
(5/11/05 10:43 pm)


Re: signy sign sign
Thank you!

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Evadne Florentina
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(5/13/05 5:53 pm)
Re: Sign here.
Inasnum. What does that mean? I looked in every Regular Dictionary I could find, then went to the elvish dictionaries that are scattered about the web. LOL

I Evadne Florentina do solemnly swear to abide by the rules, set before me this day.


Kisses for the Web-Mistress!

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen
I'm not that

Posts: 3463
(5/13/05 9:54 pm)


Re: Signing
It's latin. ;) Thank you!

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Amelia Weisland
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 5
(5/14/05 8:27 am)
Re: Sign here.
Lalala, signing the rules, lalalaaaaaaaa ...

I, Amelia F. Weisland, hereby vow to do all the nifty stuff implied by signing this thread, which includes following the rules, and things like that. Now, there's one more thing, but what was it ...?

Gesundheit! Kallisti! INASNUM!

So there.

Here's hoping I don't accidentally make another thread,

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen
I'm not that

Posts: 3468
(5/14/05 11:06 am)


Re: Sign here.
Thank you!

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Lyrian Trella
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(5/15/05 6:08 pm)
Re: Signing
I, Lyrian Trella, do agree to play my character with the utmost respect and imagination that is becoming to my ability. Thank you for creating a great roleplaying board for fantasy lovers!

And I have never heard the word, but 'Inasnum'.

Taiaka cobre 
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(5/18/05 3:26 am)

Re: Sign here.
What a haven! Inasnum I tell you, pure Inasnum!

I, Aries Saunders hereby solemnly sware to be the best role player I can be and follow the stinking rules because I fear impalement and/or torture.

Now let's hope the ez-board demons don't eat this before it gets read....small favors....


Sukuu Byakko 
Posts: 23
(5/19/05 2:32 pm)

Re: Sign here.
*folds his arms*

I suppose I have an obligation to sign here.

"A wolf in sheep's clothing
The ultimate disgrace.
Wrapped up as a gift of god
Exploding in your face."

- KMFDM, 'Megalomaniac'

Sukuu Byakko 
Posts: 24
(5/19/05 2:33 pm)

Re: Signing
*sighs and signs*

"A wolf in sheep's clothing
The ultimate disgrace.
Wrapped up as a gift of god
Exploding in your face."

- KMFDM, 'Megalomaniac'

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen
I'm not that

Posts: 3504
(5/23/05 4:47 am)


Re: Sign here.

You missed something. And until you figure out what it is, you don't get a cookie.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Sukuu Byakko 
Posts: 35
(5/23/05 3:40 pm)

Re: Sign here.
*rolls his eyes* Inasnum, Mel, Inansum.

"A wolf in sheep's clothing
The ultimate disgrace.
Wrapped up as a gift of god
Exploding in your face."

- KMFDM, 'Megalomaniac'

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen
I'm not that

Posts: 3514
(5/26/05 3:45 am)


Re: Signing
You get a cookie.

Don't roll your eyes at me, young man, or I'll pull this van over and we will NOT stop at mc donalds!

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

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