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Author Comment
Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2025
(8/18/04 1:18 am)


Re: signy sign sign

Howdy. The word changes to keep people on their toes. :) Bombastic was the older one. Since your app was finished before the 'sign here' was implemented, you didn't have too. :-P But it was awesome that you did anyhow.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Peace Spieson
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/18/04 3:13 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
The bombastic peripatetic bringer of Peace creeps ever closer to role playing on this beautiful site . . .

Greetings, but likely won't start character creation until August 29th, when I get back from vacation . . .

A tall, broad chested, human wearing a long, snugg fitting, chain shirt, often riding a gray mare. His skin is golden tan, and his brown hair curls at mid neck and ear level. His gray eyes often bear a fierce look. He carries a large steel shield bearing a blue circle, a long sword, and a thick stringed, sturdy, long bow.

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/19/04 11:49 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
I Thewhisperintheshadows AKA: Iara Brelwyn make it known that I have read the rules.

(Err Im not sure if my name is appropriate that was a little fuzzy if not I shall be back with a new. I am now filling out an application and it will be with you soon. Oh and im a bit confused about the frequently used term bombastic, but im sure i will find out some way or another)

Not all things that dwell in the dark are evil.

To live is to love. Live for the day.

Green Blade
Posts: 41
(8/20/04 3:54 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
So... feeling in a peripatetic mood, I decided not only to visit my gaming clan's site, but this one too, and what did I find? Something I never found before, a thread in which I needed to sign something...

*quirks a suspicious brow*


*checks the document for any fine print*

Alright... alright...


Asseri Nallin
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 9
(8/24/04 3:22 pm)

Re: signy sign sign
Peripatetic... Yar, who used the word as his first well... word? That's right me, and I read the rules, and shan't venture from them. :duel

Lark Leadlimb
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/29/04 5:11 pm)

Re: Sign here.
Read and understood.


Lark Leadlimb
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 2
(8/29/04 5:15 pm)

Re: Sign here.
You know. In a perspirational fashion.




Penultimately peripatetic? Yes, that last one. That thing there.

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/29/04 6:06 pm)
It's just me
I've read the rules don't worry.... and if ya need to contact me send me an email, (I'm quite open with my email) neway cya, Deathtracker :)

Joseph Pinniped
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/30/04 8:23 pm)
Re: Sign here.
I read all the rules but one question are you peripatetic.

Rill Skye
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(8/31/04 1:06 am)

Re: Sign here.
All rules read and understood.

I'm Lark's writing partner, but my character intro will have to wait until he gets his finalized and approved, since mine picks up where his leaves off.

Until then I'll be peripatetic. Probably for a little bit after, too.

Lady Darkhavenstar
Almost Evil
Lore Master

Posts: 793
(10/26/04 4:56 am)
Re: Sign Here
Yay! Thank you all, particularly Argento, because it means my head is no longer spinning :-P

Most of life is dreams...

So come dream with us...

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(10/27/04 8:00 am)

Re: Sign here. hearby solemly swear to uphold the..thing I just read and abide by the rules and guidelines written there.

*Signs book*

That was pretty peripatetic, I must say..

(Soz I dunno what the word means :P)

Thorfinn DArgen
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 5
(10/27/04 8:09 am)
Re: Sign here
I have read the rules and agree to abide by them. peripatetic


Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2441
(10/27/04 12:38 pm)


Re: Sign here
Thank you!!

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(11/1/04 5:18 pm)
Re: signy sign sign
I Inferno Dragon have read the rules and understand them fairly well

Edited by: Tael Aen  at: 11/6/04 11:50 pm
Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2460
(11/2/04 7:54 pm)


Re: signy sign sign
Inferno. .....

You have not read the rules. Please go back , re read them, and include what you have missed.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Edited by: Tael Aen  at: 11/6/04 11:51 pm
Innominate wanderer
Posts: 1
(11/3/04 7:32 am)
Re: signy sign sign
I sign here, stating that I have read the rules

Tael Aen 
World Architect
Biscuit Queen

Posts: 2465
(11/3/04 7:42 am)


Re: signy sign sign
Altacor, please re read the rules, as you have missed something.

The World of Tael'Aen | Terre Haute

Order of the Oaken Dawn | Grollen

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 4
(11/3/04 8:02 am)
Re: signy sign sign
By signing this, me, Altacor am stating that I have read and understood the rules and guidelines of Tael'Aen, and therefore will abide by them.

now, I don't think that's the mistake I made, but it's the only one I can find for now...

Innominate wanderer
Posts: 5
(11/3/04 8:04 am)
Re: signy sign sign
since there's no edit option here: I find this all very peripatetic (sp?)

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