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November 26, 2005    DOL Home > elaws Advisors   
elaws: Employment Laws Assistance for Workers & Small Businesses

The elaws Advisors are interactive e-tools that provide easy-to-understand information about a number of federal employment laws. Each Advisor simulates the interaction you might have with an employment law expert. It asks questions and provides answers based on responses given.

Both employees and employers can benefit from elaws. Choose from one of the topics above to find an elaws Advisor of interest to you.

If you are a business interested in finding information about major DOL employment laws that may apply to your business, visit the FirstStep Employment Law Advisor.

  • REALifelines Advisor - Helps wounded and injured service members and veterans access valuable online resources and contact information for one-on-one employment assistance to help them transition into the civilian workforce.
  • Updates to the
    Veterans' Preference & USERRA Advisors

Phone Numbers