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Welcome to the U.S. Government's Sustainable Development Partnerships Web Site
This site provides information on U.S. efforts to work with other governments, the private sector, civil society and other organizations to plan and implement voluntary partnerships that promote economic growth, social development and environmental stewardship.

logo - yellow background with circle around the words 2006 Development Marketplace Organization,  innovations in water, sanitation & energy services for poor people

Development Marketplace Announces 2006 Call for Proposals
November 1, 2005 -- The World Bank Development Marketplace is offering $4 million in awards for local projects with innovative solutions improving access to clean water, safe sanitation, and reliable energy services in developing countries. Non-governmental organizations, development agencies, private foundations, universities and schools, private sector groups, individuals, and local and municipal governments are encouraged to apply. The Development Marketplace focuses on small-scale development projects, and will be held May 8-9, 2006 in Washington DC. Proposals are due by November 30, 2005. (For more information please visit 2006 Global Development Marketplace Application)

logo: initials GVEP at top, reeep below at left and at right, the words renewable energy & energy efficiency partnership

Energy Partnerships Commit to Cooperation
October 21, 2005 -- The Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP) and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) signed a formal agreement to work jointly to promote clean energy systems, while leveraging each organization’s delivery infrastructure. Both partnerships are designed to improve energy services to underserved populations in rural, peri-urban, and urban areas. More

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U.S. Activities on Sustainable Consumption and Production
September 2, 2005: Public-private partnerships are at the core of a wide range of U.S. efforts to promote cleaner and more environmentally sound use of resources in ways that grow economies and create jobs. At the Second International Experts Meeting on Sustainable Consumption and Production, U.S. government experts will highlight a number of innovative programs and activities. Click here for full compilation.


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