| | Sustainable Development"We believe sustainable development begins at home and is supported by effective domestic policies, and international partnerships. Self-governing people prepared to participate in an open world marketplace are the very foundation of sustainable development. President Bush has emphasized that the hopes of all people, no matter where they live, lie in greater political and economic freedom, the rule of law, and good governance."
The World Summit on Sustainable Development was held August 26-September 4, 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa. [U.S. WSSD Press Kit]
Since the WSSD, the United States has been actively engaged in following up on the partnerships and initiatives (sdp.gov) announced in Johannesburg.
Additionally, the United States has produced a series of discussion papers on the future of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. | | Highlights | -- Remarks by Jonathan Margolis, Special Representative for Sustainable Development at the "Beijing International Renewable Energy Conference" Beijing, China (11/07)
-- Remarks by Jonathan Margolis, Special Representative for Sustainable Development at the "Commission on Sustainable Development - Preparing for the Future" Stakeholder Forum Workshop, New York City (09/11)
-- Remarks by Assistant Secretary Turner at the Government University Industry Research Roundtable Meeting, The National Academies (06/07)
The Web site for Sustainable Development Partnerships (sdp.gov) provides information about the dozens of partnerships that the U.S. Government has launched with other governments, the private sector, international organizations, and civil society groups to bring hope and opportunity to those living in the shadow of poverty. [more]
Web Sites of Note -- Congo Basin Forest Partnership -- White Water to Blue Water Partnership