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Longtail Tuna
(Thunnus tonggol)

Longtail Tuna (Thunnus tonggol)

Other common names:
Northern Bluefin (Australia).

Long slender body.
Upper body dark blue and black.
Lower body silvery white.
Finlets yellow with gray edges.
Dark caudal keel.

Temperature range:
20 - 30 Celsius (66 - 86 Fahrenheit).
Typical location:
An inshore Tuna that rarely is caught in open water.
Around bait fish and flotsam.

Fishing methods:
Trolling small lures, feathers, plastic squid or minnows.
Casting shiny metal lures.
Fly-casting often in combination with chum.

Fighting characteristics:
A very fast fighter that often surprises with an extra run.

Thai Fishing Guide's recommended hot spots for catching Longtail Tuna:

1. All Destinations

African Pompano | Barracuda | Barramundi | Bonefish | Cobia | Coral Trout | Dorado
Emperor - Longnose | Emperor - Sweetlip | Green Jobfish | Grey Mullet | Grouper - Honeycomb
Longtom | Marlin - Black | Marlin - Blue | Parrotfish - Bridled | Parrotfish - Daisy
Parrotfish - Dusky | Parrotfish - Ember | Peacock Rockcod | Permit | Queenfish | Rainbow Runner

Red Snapper | Sailfish - Pacific | Seaperch - Checkered | Seaperch - Maori | Shark - Blacktip Reef
Shark - Bull | Shark - Grey Reef | Shark - Hammerhead | Shark - Leopard | Shark - Mako
Shark - Tiger | Stingray - Black-Blotched | Stingray - Blue-Spotted | Tanguigue | Tarpon

Threadfin Salmon | Trevalley - Bigeye | Trevalley - Bluefin | Trevally - Giant
Trevally - Golden | Triple Tail | Tripletail Wrasse | Tuna - Dogtooth
Tuna - Kawa Kawa | Tuna - Longtail | Tuna - Skipjack | Tuna - Yellowfin | Wahoo

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